ASP.NET MVC Tip: Dependency Injection with StructureMap (摘抄)

In this tip, I demonstrate how you can use the dependency injection with StructureMap within an MVC application. StructureMap is an open source Dependency Injection framework for the .NET platform and has been in use since 2004 .StructureMap supports both setter and constructor injection and also offers testing and diagnostic features such as logging, tracing and wiring of mock objects. For download and more details visit Jeremy D Miller’s (Creator of StructureMap) blog is a great learning resource for StructureMap and good object oriented programming thoughts.


If you are not familiar with Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC), read Martin Fowler’s article Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern . A Dependency Injection framework injects the dependencies into a class when the dependencies are needed. Dependency Injection enables looser coupling between classes and their dependencies and can be improve architectural qualities of an object oriented business application.


Dependency Injection provides the following advantages,


1) Enables looser coupling between classes and their dependencies

2) It provides better testability of an application

3) It removes the need for clients to know about their dependencies and how to   create them.

4) It avoid behind the problems of creating factory classes, by moving construction responsibility to a framework.

5) Improve the architecture quality of an object oriented system. 


In this tip, I show how you can use the StructureMap to perform Dependency Injectionwithin an ASP.NET MVC application.  In this tip, I will show you how to perform constructor injection. Constructor Injection will push dependencies into a concrete class through constructor arguments.


The below code listings show that a controller class and its dependent classes.



Listing 1 – CategoryController


public class CategoryController : Controller {

 ICategoryService  _categoryService = null; 


 public CategoryController(ICategoryService categoryService) {         

    _categoryService = categoryService;


 public ActionResult List(int? page) {

  var categories = _categoryService.GetCategories(page ?? 0, 10);

    return View("CategoryList",categories);



Listing 2 – ICategoryService


public interface ICategoryService {

  PagedList<Category> GetCategories(int pageIndex,int pageSize);       



Listing 3 – CategoryService


public class CategoryService : ICategoryService  {

 ICategoryRepository _repository = null;       

 public CategoryService(ICategoryRepository repository) {

     _repository = repository;

     if (_repository == null) {

         throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository cannot be null");


public PagedList<Category> GetCategories(int pageIndex,int pageSize) {

    return _repository.GetCategories().ToPagedList<Category>(pageIndex, pageSize);




Listing 4 – ICategoryRepository


public interface ICategoryRepository {

      IQueryable<Category> GetCategories();



Listing 5 – CategoryRepository


public class CategoryRepository : ICategoryRepository  {

  DBDataContext _db;

  public CategoryRepository(DBDataContext dataContext) {           

     _db = dataContext;           



 public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories() {

    return from c in _db.Categories

      select new Category {




        CategoryType = c.CategoryType







The CategoryController has a dependency with ICategoryService. The concrete implementation of ICategoryService, i.e. CategoryService has a dependency withICategoryRepository. The concrete implementation of ICategoryRepository, i.e.CategoryRepository has a dependency with DBDataContext. When we calling action methods of Category controller, we need to create objects CategoryService, CategoryRepository and DBDataContext.


The below steps will configure StructureMap to perform constructor injection in our ASP.NET MVC application.


Step 1 – Add reference to StructureMap


Add a reference to StructureMap.dll.

Download available from


Step 2 – Add StructureMap configuration


using StructureMap;

using StructureMap.Configuration.DSL;

using StructureMap.Configuration;

using StructureMap.Pipeline;


public class DomainRegistry : Registry {

   protected override void configure() {








public class DBServiceRegistry:Registry { 

  protected override void configure() { 

     ForRequestedType<DBDataContext >()

      .TheDefaultIs(() => new DBDataContext())





The above configuration tells StructureMap to inject CategoryService when there is a request for ICategoryService. And also inject CategoryRepository when there is a request for ICategoryRepository. The CategoryRepository class has a dependency with Linq DataContext DBDataContext. So we configure that create a new instance DBDataContext when there is request for DBDataContext. we are telling the StructureMapConfiguration to make hybrid instance scope. The below are the different type of instance scoping, 


   1. PerRequest - The default operation.  A new instance will be created for each request.

   2. Singleton - A single instance will be shared across all requests

   3. ThreadLocal - A single instance will be created for each requesting thread.  Caches the instances with ThreadLocalStorage.

   4. HttpContext - A single instance will be created for each HttpContext.  Caches the instances in the HttpContext.Items collection.

   5. Hybrid - Uses HttpContext storage if it exists, otherwise uses ThreadLocal storage


Step 3 – Register with StructureMap registry


The below code will add instances of DomainRegistry and DBServiceRegistry into StructureMapConfiguration registry.


using StructureMap; 

public static class Bootstrapper { 

 public static void ConfigureStructureMap() { 

   StructureMapConfiguration.AddRegistry(new DBServiceRegistry());

   StructureMapConfiguration.AddRegistry(new DomainRegistry ());




Step 4 – Controller Factory for StructureMap


using StructureMap; 

public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory { 

  protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType) {

   try {

      return ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType) as Controller;


catch (StructureMapException) {







The controller factory is responsible for creating controller instances. We extend the built in default controller factory with our own factory for working StructureMap with ASP.NET MVC . 


Step 5 – Modify Global.asax.cs


protected void Application_Start() {


   //Configure StructureMapConfiguration


    //Set current Controller factory as StructureMapControllerFactory

    ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory( newmyFinance.Web.Controllers.StructureMapControllerFactory()




The above code will set our controller factory and configure StructureMap configuration when our ASP.NET MVC application is started.




In this tip, I demonstrated how you can use the StructureMap to perform Dependency Injection through constructor injection within an ASP.NET MVC application. One of the greatest advantages of ASP.NET MVC is testability. With a Dependency Injection framework, we can make our ASP.NET MVC application is fully testable and maintainable.

posted on 2011-09-08 16:29  小兵张嘎  阅读(541)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
