
* 分割读取啤酒瓶子上的数字
* bottle.hdev: Segment and read numbers on a beer bottle
* 第0步
* Step 0: Preparations
* Specify the name of the font to use for reading the date on the bottle.
* It is easiest to use the pre-trained font Universal_0-9_NoRej. If you
* have run the program bottlet.hdev in this directory, you can activate
* the second line to use the font trained with this program.
FontName := 'Universal_0-9_NoRej'
* FontName := 'bottle'
* 第一步,分割
* Step 1: Segmentation
dev_update_window ('off')
read_image (Bottle, 'bottle2')
get_image_size (Bottle, Width, Height)
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, 2 * Width, 2 * Height, 'black', WindowID)
set_display_font (WindowID, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false')
dev_display (Bottle)
*显示'Press F5 to continiue'这个信息
disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true')
stop ()
* 创建自动文字读取器以及设置一些参数
* Create Automatic Text Reader and set some parameters
create_text_model_reader ('auto', FontName, TextModel)
* The printed date has a significantly higher stroke width
set_text_model_param (TextModel, 'min_stroke_width', 6)
* The "best before" date has a particular and known structure
*设置文字组成格式,'2 2 2'便是由三段数字构成,中间由空白或者分隔符分开 '19'表示没有分隔符或者空白
set_text_model_param (TextModel, 'text_line_structure', '2 2 2')
* 读取最佳日期
* Read the "best before" date
find_text (Bottle, TextModel, TextResultID)
* 获取最佳日期文字并显示
* Display the segmentation results
get_text_object (Characters, TextResultID, 'all_lines')
dev_display (Bottle)
dev_display (Characters)
stop ()
* Display the reading results
get_text_result (TextResultID, 'class', Classes)
area_center (Characters, Area, Row, Column)
disp_message (WindowID, Classes, 'image', 80, Column - 3, 'green', 'false')
* 释放内存
* Free memory
clear_text_result (TextResultID)
clear_text_model (TextModel)

posted @ 2020-07-30 22:23  懒树懒  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报