Xiao Peng

My personal blog moves to xiaopeng.me , blogs about design patterns will be synced to here.
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Hi, welcome to my blog

Posted on 2008-07-07 00:48  勇敢的鸵鸟  阅读(223)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

I'm a software engineer from China. I'm now working for Motorola on LJ platform. I'm very interisted in agile and design patterns, but you know Moto (maybe only MD, oh, maybe only LJ...) is not so agile:(

I like to share my experience on this blog. I also have a blog which is in Chinese, and this one maybe will only in English.

Why do I need an English blog?

  1. Make my ideas known by more people around the world.
  2. Build a bridge between China developers and foreign devlopers. (oh, do I?)
  3. Record my experience and ideas and get comments from more people.
  4. Show my works (do I have?) to more people.
  5. Practice and improve my English. So if you find there is anything error in my using English please correct me. You're very appreciated!

So, come on and post your comments and question to me, about agile, design patterns, c++, about China, Beijing, Olympic games.....