Xiao Peng

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每天进步一点点 - I've run into some head scratchers.

Posted on 2007-08-20 11:36  勇敢的鸵鸟  阅读(213)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报

run into

1. To meet or find by chance: ran into an old friend.

2. To encounter (something): ran into trouble.

3. To collide with.

4. To amount to: His net worth runs into seven figures.

head scratcher

1. Noun. Any particularily puzzling event or object which prompts a puzzled scratch of the head.
2. Head scratch. Verb. Most common reaction when one spots a set of man boobs - especially when the man who is sporting the boobs is not exactly large or fat, and the occurance of the man boobs is puzzlesome, prompting the observer to scratch their head in curiosity

(Jeny scratches her head, looking puzzled)
"Jeny, why are you scratching your head?" asks Michelle.
"Well, look." (points toward a young man.) "He has man boobs... but he isnt fat." Jeny replies.
"Hmmm," ponders Michelle. "Thats a real Head Scratcher."

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