
今天我们将向您展示如何使用我们最喜欢的工具之一Proc Mon,在您更改PC上的组策略设置时查看编辑的注册表项。

使用Proc Mon查看组策略对象修改的注册表设置

您要做的第一件事就是从Sys Internals网站获取Proc Mon的副本。


Proc Mon打开时,您需要添加如下条件:








在实际更改设置之前,请切换回Proc Mon并清除日志。


如果切换到Proc Mon,您将看到您有一个注册表项。右键单击它,然后从上下文菜单中选择Jump To ...选项。



How to See Which Registry Settings a Group Policy Object Modifies

Today we are going to show you how to use one of our favorite tools, Proc Mon, to see which registry keys are edited when you change a Group Policy setting on your PC.

Using Proc Mon to See Which Registry Settings a Group Policy Object Modifies

The first thing you will want to do is go and get yourself a copy of Proc Mon from the Sys Internals website.

Then you will need to extract the folder and run  the Procmon.exe file.

When Proc Mon opens, you will need to add a condition as follows:

Process Name is mmc.exe then Include

Then click the add button.

To get only the registry keys that are changed, we need add another one:

Operation is RegSetValue then Include

Then again click the add button.

Once the two rules have been added, you can go ahead and click ok.

Now go and open the Group Policy setting that you wish to edit.

Before you actually change the setting, switch back over to Proc Mon and clear the log.

Then go and change the GPO and click apply.

If you switch over to Proc Mon you will see that you have a registry key(s) there. Right-click on it and select the Jump To… option from the context menu.

That will fire up Regedit and take you to the exact key which was modified

That's all there is to it guys.

posted @ 2018-10-08 13:36  CharyGao  阅读(863)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报