


Binhua Liu

document_thumb 泛型接口IEnumerator<T>继承了IDisposable接口

    我们知道,泛型接口IEnumerator<T>继承了IDisposable接口,.Net为什么这么设计呢?因为foreach迭代时,迭代器可能使用了某些资源,例如,迭代器打开一个文件,然后迭代文件每一行。这就需要在迭代结束时释放这些资源,由于IEnumerator<T>继承了IDisposable接口,foreach语句可以编译为try{…} finally {enumerator.Dispose()}语句,在finally块中调用Dispose方法释放资源。网络上相关的文章很多,这里就不详细讲述。

document_thumb 为什么IEnumerator接口没有继承IDisposable接口   

    让我们奇怪的是,为什么非泛型接口IEnumerator没有实现IDisposable呢?使用IEnumerator,同样可能需要在迭代后释放资源,不是吗?于是我搜索到一篇提问<Why IEnumerator of T inherts from IDisposable, but non-generic IEnumerator does NOT?>,其中有个回答对这个问题做了非常好的解释,粘贴如下:

Basically it was an oversight. In C# 1.0, foreach never called Dispose. With C# 1.2 (introduced in VS2003 - there's no 1.1, bizarrely) foreach began to check in the finally block whether or not the iterator implemented IDisposable - they had to do it that way, because retrospectively making IEnumerator extend IDisposable would have broken everyone's implementation of IEnumerator. If they'd worked out that it's useful for foreach to dispose of iterators in the first place, I'm sure IEnumerator would have extended IDisposable.

When C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0 came out, however, they had a fresh opportunity - new interface, new inheritance. It makes much more sense to have the interface extend IDisposable so that you don't need an execution-time check in the finally block, and now the compiler knows that if the iterator is an IEnumerator<T> it can emit an unconditional call to Dispose.

EDIT: It's incredibly useful for Dispose to be called at the end of iteration (however it ends). It means the iterator can hold on to resources - which makes it feasible for it to, say, read a file line by line. Iterator blocks generator Dispose implementations which make sure that any finally blocks relevant to the "current point of execution" of the iterator are executed when it's disposed - so you can write normal code within the iterator and clean-up should happen appropriately.


    基本上,这是设计的失误。在C#1.0时,foreach是不会调用Dispose方法的。从C#1.2(VS2003采用此版本--奇怪的是,没有1.1版)开始,foreach 会在finally语句块中检查迭代器是否实现了IDisposable接口(来决定是否调用Dispose方法)--他们只能这么做,因为如果回溯设计IEnumerator扩展为支持IDisposable将会破坏原有的所有的对IEnumerator的实现。

    然而,当C#2.0和.Net2.0到来时,他们得到了一个新的机会--新的接口,新的继承。这个接口(IEnumerator<T>)继承了IDisposable,这么做更加合理,这样你就不需要在运行时在finally block块中做检查了,现在编译器清楚的知道,如果迭代器实现了IEnumerator<T>,它就可以无条件地调用Dispose方法.

    EDIT: 在迭代结束时调用Dispose方法是非常有用的。这意味着迭代器可以很好地管理资源--这将使得比如这样的事情--一行行地读取文件--变得可行。迭代代码块生成器生成的代码,将保证在迭代结束时任何和迭代器对应的finally块一定会执行。这样你只要在迭代器中编写一般的Dispose代码,(迭代时)清理工作就会正确地发生。





    public class Person
        public Person(string fName, string lName)
            this.firstName = fName;
            this.lastName = lName;

        public string firstName;
        public string lastName;

    public class People : IEnumerable
        private Person[] _people;
        public People(Person[] pArray)
            _people = new Person[pArray.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < pArray.Length; i++)
                _people[i] = pArray[i];

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return new PeopleEnum(_people);

    public class PeopleEnum : IEnumerator,IDisposable
        public Person[] _people;

        // Enumerators are positioned before the first element
        // until the first MoveNext() call.
        int position = -1;

        public PeopleEnum(Person[] list)
            _people = list;

        public bool MoveNext()
            return (position < _people.Length);

        public void Reset()
            position = -1;

        public object Current
                    return _people[position];
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
        public void Dispose()
            Console.WriteLine("Dispose IEnumerator!");


            Person[] peopleArray = new Person[3]
            new Person("John", "Smith"),
            new Person("Jim", "Johnson"),
            new Person("Sue", "Rabon"),

            People peopleList = new People(peopleArray);
            foreach (Person p in peopleList)
                Console.WriteLine(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName);


John Smith
Jim Johnson
Sue Rabon
Dispose IEnumerator!
Press any key to continue . . .


            Person[] peopleArray = new Person[3]
            new Person("John", "Smith"),
            new Person("Jim", "Johnson"),
            new Person("Sue", "Rabon"),
            People peopleList = new People(peopleArray);
            IEnumerator enumerator = peopleList.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    Person p = (Person)enumerator.Current;
                    Console.WriteLine(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName);
              //Type type= enumerator.GetType();
              // if (null != type.GetInterface("IDisposable"))
             // ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose();
                IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable;
                if (disposable != null)




  本文为Binhua Liu原创作品。本文允许复制,修改,传递,但不允许用于商业用途。转载请注明出处。本文发表于2010年7月23日。

posted @ 2010-07-23 17:44  Binhua Liu  阅读(6423)  评论(14编辑  收藏  举报