


struct Point
    double x, y;
    Point() {}
    Point(double x, double y) :x(x), y(y) {}
typedef Point Vector;


struct Segment
    Point a, b;
    Segment() {}
    Segment(Point a, Point b) :a(a), b(b) {}
typedef Segment Line;


struct Circle
    Point c;
    double r;
    Circle() {}
    Circle(Point c, double r) :c(c), r(r) {}


typedef vector<Point> polygon;


Point operator + (Point& b)
    return Point(x + b.x, y + b.y);
Point operator - (Point& b)
    return Point(x - b.x, y - b.y);
Point operator * (double k)
    return Point(x * k, y * k);




double norm(Vector a)//范数
    return pow(a.x, 2) + pow(a.y, 2);

double abs(Vector a)//模长
    return sqrt(norm(a));

  向量的内积$a · b = |a||b|cos\theta $


double dot(Vector a, Vector b)//|a||b|cos A
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;

  向量的外积$a \times b = |a||b|sin\theta $

double cross(Vector a, Vector b)//|a||b|sin A
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;



bool isOrthogonal(Vector a, Vector b)
    return equals(dot(a, b), 0.0);
bool isOrthogonal(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2)
    return isOrthogonal(a1 - a2, b1 - b2);
bool isOrthogonal(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    return isOrthogonal(Vector(s1.a - s1.b), Vector(s2.a - s2.b));


bool isParallel(Vector a, Vector b)
    return equals(cross(a, b), 0.0);
bool isParallel(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2)
    return isParallel(a1 - a2, b1 - b2);
bool isParallel(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    return isParallel(Vector(s1.a - s1.b), Vector(s2.a - s2.b));



Point project(Point p, Segment s)
    Vector base = s.p2 - s.p1;
    double r = dot(p - s.p1, base) / norm(base);
    base = base * r;
    return Point(s.p1 + base);



Point reflect(Point p, Segment s)
    Point p1 = (project(p, s) - p) * 2.0;
    return p + p1;



double get_dis(Point a, Point b)
    return abs(a - b);



double get_dis(Point a, Line l)
    return abs(cross(l.p2 - l.p1, a - l.p1) / abs(l.p2 - l.p1));





double get_dis_ps(Point p, Segment s)
    if (dot(p - s.p1, s.p2 - s.p1) < 0.0) return abs(p - s.p1);
    if (dot(p - s.p2, s.p1 - s.p2) < 0.0) return abs(p - s.p2);
    return get_dis(p, s);



double get_dis(Segment a, Segment b)
    if (intersect(a, b)) return 0.0;//判断两直线相交 后面说
    return min(min(get_dis_ps(a.p1, b), get_dis_ps(a.p2, b)), min(get_dis_ps(b.p1, a), get_dis_ps(b.p2, a)));




const int CC = 1;//逆时针方向
const int C = -1;//顺时针方向
const int OB = 2;//方向相反
const int OF = -2;//方向相同 |b|>|a|
const int OS = 0;//方向相同 |a|>|b|

inline int ccw(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
    Vector a = p2 - p1;
    Vector b = p3 - p1;
    if (cross(a, b) > eps) return CC;
    if (cross(a, b) < -eps) return C;
    if (dot(a, b) < -eps) return OB;
    if (norm(a) < norm(b)) return OF;
    return OS;

inline int ccw(Vector a, Vector b)
    if (cross(a, b) > eps) return CC;
    if (cross(a, b) < -eps) return C;
    if (dot(a, b) < -eps) return OB;
    if (norm(a) < norm(b)) return OF;
    return OS;



inline bool intersect(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)
    return ccw(a, b, c) * ccw(a, b, d) <= 0 && ccw(c, d, a) * ccw(c, d, b) <= 0;

inline bool intersect(Segment a, Segment b)
    return intersect(a.p1, a.p2, b.p1, b.p2);





  $base=s2.p2-s2.p1 , typo=s1.p1-s2.p1$





  $x=s1.p1+(s1.p2-s1.p1)\times t$

Point getCrossPoint(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    Vector base = s2.p2 - s2.p1;
    double d1 = abs(cross(base, s1.p1 - s2.p1));
    double d2 = abs(cross(base, s1.p2 - s2.p1));
    double t = d1 / (d1 + d2);
    Point x = (s1.p2 - s1.p1) * t;
    return s1.p1 + x;








  交点即为$x\pm base*e$

pair<Point, Point> getCrossPoint(Line l, Circle C)
    if (get_dis(C.c, l) > C.r) return make_pair(Point(2e18, 2e18), Point(2e18, 2e18));

    Point pr = project(C.c, l);
    Vector e = (l.p2 - l.p1) / abs(l.p2 - l.p1);
    double base = sqrt(C.r * C.r - norm(pr - C.c));
    Vector x = e * base;
    return make_pair(pr + x, pr - x);










inline Polygon andrewScan(Polygon p)//返回凸包的点集
    Polygon u, d;
    if (p.size() < 3) return p;
    sort(p.begin(), p.end());


    d.pb(p[p.size() - 1]);
    d.pb(p[p.size() - 2]);

    for (int i = 2; i < p.size(); i++)
        for (int k = u.size(); k >= 2 && ccw(u[k - 2], u[k - 1], p[i]) != C; k--) u.pop_back();

    for (int i = p.size() - 3; ~i; i--)
        for (int k = d.size(); k >= 2 && ccw(d[k - 2], d[k - 1], p[i]) != C; k--) d.pop_back();

    reverse(d.begin(), d.end());
    for (int i = u.size() - 2; i; i--) d.pb(u[i]);
    return d;





using namespace std;

#define pb push_back

typedef long long LL;

const int N = 1010;

int n, m;
vector<int> hash1;
map<int, int> st;

struct Tree
    int len, d;
    Tree() {}
    Tree(int len, int d) :len(len), d(d) {}
}tr[N << 4];

struct Node
    int y, l, r, d;
    Node() {}
    Node(int y, int l, int r, int d) :y(y), l(l), r(r), d(d) {}
vector<Node> a;

inline bool cmp(Node a, Node b)
    return a.y < b.y;

inline void pushup(int q, int l, int r)
    if (tr[q].d > 0) tr[q].len = hash1[r] - hash1[l - 1];
    else if (l == r) tr[q].len = 0;
    else tr[q].len = tr[q << 1].len + tr[q << 1 | 1].len;

void modify(int q, int l, int r, int L, int R, int x)
    if (L <= l && r <= R)
        tr[q].d += x;
        pushup(q, l, r);

    int mid = l + r >> 1;
    if (L <= mid) modify(q << 1, l, mid, L, R, x);
    if (R > mid) modify(q << 1 | 1, mid + 1, r, L, R, x);
    pushup(q, l, r);

inline LL solve()
    LL ans = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        if (i != 0) ans += 1ll * tr[1].len * (a[i].y - a[i - 1].y);
        modify(1, 1, m, st[a[i].l], st[a[i].r] - 1, a[i].d);
    return ans;

int main()
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        scanf("%d%d%d%d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
        hash1.pb(x1), hash1.pb(x2);
        a.pb(Node(y1, x1, x2, 1));
        a.pb(Node(y2, x1, x2, -1));
    sort(hash1.begin(), hash1.end());
    hash1.erase(unique(hash1.begin(), hash1.end()), hash1.end());

    m = hash1.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) st[hash1[i]] = i + 1;

    sort(a.begin(), a.end(), cmp);

    printf("%lld", solve());
View Code


using namespace std;

#define x first
#define y second

typedef pair<double, double> PDD;

const int N = 110;
const double eps = 1e-8, INF = 1e6;

int n;
PDD tr[N][3];
PDD q[N];

int sign(double x)
    if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0;
    if (x < 0) return -1;
    return 1;

int dcmp(double x, double y)
    if (fabs(x - y) < eps) return 0;
    if (x < y) return -1;
    return 1;

PDD operator+ (PDD a, PDD b)
    return { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y };

PDD operator- (PDD a, PDD b)
    return { a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y };

PDD operator* (PDD a, double t)
    return { a.x * t, a.y * t };

double operator* (PDD a, PDD b)
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;

double operator& (PDD a, PDD b)
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;

bool on_segment(PDD p, PDD a, PDD b)
    return sign((p - a) & (p - b)) <= 0;

PDD getCrossPoint(PDD p, PDD v, PDD q, PDD w)
    if (!sign(v * w)) return { INF, INF };
    auto u = p - q;
    auto t = w * u / (v * w);
    auto o = p + v * t;
    if (!on_segment(o, p, p + v) || !on_segment(o, q, q + w)) return { INF, INF };
    return o;

double line_area(double a, int side)
    int cnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        auto t = tr[i];
        if (dcmp(t[0].x, a) > 0 || dcmp(t[2].x, a) < 0) continue;
        if (!dcmp(t[0].x, a) && !dcmp(t[1].x, a))
            if (side) q[cnt++] = { t[0].y, t[1].y };
        else if (!dcmp(t[2].x, a) && !dcmp(t[1].x, a))
            if (!side) q[cnt++] = { t[2].y, t[1].y };
            double d[3];
            int u = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                auto o = getCrossPoint(t[j], t[(j + 1) % 3] - t[j], { a, -INF }, { 0, INF * 2 });
                if (dcmp(o.x, INF))
                    d[u++] = o.y;
            if (u)
                sort(d, d + u);
                q[cnt++] = { d[0], d[u - 1] };

    if (!cnt) return 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
        if (q[i].x > q[i].y)
            swap(q[i].x, q[i].y);

    sort(q, q + cnt);
    double res = 0, st = q[0].x, ed = q[0].y;
    for (int i = 1; i < cnt; i++)
        if (q[i].x <= ed) ed = max(ed, q[i].y);
            res += ed - st;
            st = q[i].x, ed = q[i].y;
    res += ed - st;
    return res;

double range_area(double a, double b)
    return (line_area(a, 1) + line_area(b, 0)) * (b - a) / 2;

int main()
    scanf("%d", &n);

    vector<double> xs;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            scanf("%lf%lf", &tr[i][j].x, &tr[i][j].y);
        sort(tr[i], tr[i] + 3);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    auto o = getCrossPoint(tr[i][x], tr[i][(x + 1) % 3] - tr[i][x],
                        tr[j][y], tr[j][(y + 1) % 3] - tr[j][y]);
                    if (dcmp(o.x, INF))
    sort(xs.begin(), xs.end());

    double res = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i + 1 < xs.size(); i++)
        if (dcmp(xs[i], xs[i + 1])) 
            res += range_area(xs[i], xs[i + 1]);
    printf("%.2lf\n", res);
View Code

求多边形面积(Shoelace Theorem,鞋带定理)



  $S=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}(cross((x_i,y_i),(x_{i+1\textit{ mod n}},y_{i+1\textit{ mod n}})))=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}(x_iy_{i+1\textit{ mod n}}-y_ix_{i+1\textit{ mod n}})$


inline double Ploygon_area(Polygon s)
    int n = s.size();
    double ans = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ans += cross(s[i], s[(i + 1) % n]);
    return ans * 0.5;



inline double get_atan2(Point a, Point b)
    Vector v = b - a;
    return atan2(v.y, v.x);

struct Segment//重新定义直线,加了一个极角
    Point p1, p2;//起点为p1
    double ang;
    Segment() {}
    Segment(Point a, Point b) :p1(a), p2(b), ang(get_atan2(p1, p2)) {}

inline bool cmp_ang(Segment a, Segment b)//按极角排序
    return a.ang < b.ang;

inline bool OnLeft(Point p, Line s)//判断点是否在直线的左边
    return cross(s.p2 - s.p1, p - s.p1) > 0.0;

inline Polygon HPI(vector<Segment> L)
    int n = L.size();
    sort(L.begin(), L.end(), cmp_ang);

    int head, tail;
    vector<Point> p(n);//交点点集
    vector<Segment> q(n);//保留的直线
    vector<Point> ans;

    q[head = tail = 0] = L[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[tail - 1], L[i])) tail--;
        while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[head], L[i])) head++;
        q[++tail] = L[i];

        if (equals(cross(q[tail].p2 - q[tail].p1, q[tail - 1].p2 - q[tail - 1].p1), 0.0))
            if (OnLeft(L[i].p1, q[tail])) q[tail] = L[i];
        if (head < tail) p[tail - 1] = getCrossPoint(q[tail - 1], q[tail], 1);

    while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[tail - 1], q[head])) tail--;
    if (head == tail) return ans;
    p[tail] = getCrossPoint(q[tail], q[head], 1);
    for (int i = head; i <= tail; i++) ans.pb(p[i]);
    return ans;//返回交点的点集
View Code







using namespace std;

const int N = 50010;
const double eps = 1e-8;

int n;
int stk[N], top;
bool st[N];

struct Point
    double x, y;
    Point() {}
    Point(double x, double y) :x(x), y(y) {}

typedef Point Vector;

inline bool equal(double a, double b)
    return fabs(a - b) <= eps;

inline bool cmp(Point a, Point b)
    return equal(a.x, b.x) ? a.y < b.y : a.x < b.x;

inline Vector sub(Point a, Point b)
    return Vector(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);

inline double cross(Vector a, Vector b)
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;

inline double area(Point a, Point b, Point c)
    return cross(sub(b, a), sub(c, a));

inline void get_convex()
    sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n, cmp);

    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        while (top >= 2 && area(a[stk[top - 1]], a[stk[top]], a[i]) <= 0)
            if (area(a[stk[top - 1]], a[stk[top]], a[i]) < 0)
                st[stk[top--]] = false;
            else top--;
        stk[++top] = i;
        st[i] = true;

    st[1] = false;
    for (int i = n; i; i--)
        if (st[i]) continue;
        while (top >= 2 && area(a[stk[top - 1]], a[stk[top]], a[i]) <= 0) top--;
        stk[++top] = i;

inline double get_dis(Point a, Point b)
    return sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2));

inline double rotating_calipers()
    if (top <= 2) return pow(get_dis(a[1], a[n]), 2);

    double res = 0;
    for (int i = 1, j = 3; i <= top; i++)
        Point d = a[stk[i]], e = a[stk[i + 1]];
        while (area(d, e, a[stk[j]]) < area(d, e, a[stk[j + 1]]))
            if (j + 1 > top) j = 1;
            else j++;
        res = max(res, max(get_dis(d, a[stk[j]]), get_dis(e, a[stk[j]])));
    return pow(res, 2);

int main()
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf("%lf%lf", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
    printf("%.0lf", rotating_calipers());
View Code


using namespace std;

#define x first
#define y second

using namespace std;

typedef pair<double, double> PDD;

const int N = 50010;
const double eps = 1e-12, INF = 1e20;
const double PI = acos(-1);

int n;
int stk[N], top;
PDD q[N];
PDD ans[N];
double min_area = INF;
bool st[N];

int sign(double x)
    if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0;
    if (x < 0) return -1;
    return 1;

int dcmp(double x, double y)
    if (fabs(x - y) < eps) return 0;
    if (x < y) return -1;
    return 1;

PDD operator+ (PDD a, PDD b)
    return { a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y };

PDD operator- (PDD a, PDD b)
    return { a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y };

PDD operator* (PDD a, double t)
    return { a.x * t, a.y * t };

PDD operator/ (PDD a, double t)
    return { a.x / t, a.y / t };

double operator* (PDD a, PDD b)
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;

double operator& (PDD a, PDD b)
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;

double area(PDD a, PDD b, PDD c)
    return (b - a) * (c - a);

double get_len(PDD a)
    return sqrt(a & a);

double project(PDD a, PDD b, PDD c)
    return ((b - a) & (c - a)) / get_len(b - a);

PDD norm(PDD a)
    return a / get_len(a);

PDD rotate(PDD a, double b)
    return { a.x * cos(b) + a.y * sin(b), -a.x * sin(b) + a.y * cos(b) };

void get_convex()
    sort(q, q + n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        while (top >= 2 && sign(area(q[stk[top - 2]], q[stk[top - 1]], q[i])) >= 0) st[stk[--top]] = false;
        stk[top++] = i;
        st[i] = true;

    st[0] = false;
    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (st[i]) continue;
        while (top >= 2 && sign(area(q[stk[top - 2]], q[stk[top - 1]], q[i])) >= 0) top--;
        stk[top++] = i;
    reverse(stk, stk + top);

void rotating_calipers()
    for (int i = 0, a = 2, b = 2, c = 2; i < top; i++)
        auto d = q[stk[i]], e = q[stk[i + 1]];
        while (dcmp(area(d, e, q[stk[a]]), area(d, e, q[stk[a + 1]])) < 0) a = (a + 1) % top;
        while (dcmp(project(d, e, q[stk[b]]), project(d, e, q[stk[b + 1]])) < 0) b = (b + 1) % top;
        if (!i) c = a;
        while (dcmp(project(d, e, q[stk[c]]), project(d, e, q[stk[c + 1]])) > 0) c = (c + 1) % top;

        auto x = q[stk[a]], y = q[stk[b]], z = q[stk[c]];
        auto h = area(d, e, x) / get_len(e - d);
        auto w = ((y - z) & (e - d)) / get_len(e - d);

        if (h * w < min_area)
            min_area = h * w;
            ans[0] = d + norm(e - d) * project(d, e, y);
            ans[3] = d + norm(e - d) * project(d, e, z);
            auto u = norm(rotate(e - d, -PI / 2));
            ans[1] = ans[0] + u * h;
            ans[2] = ans[3] + u * h;

int main()
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%lf%lf", &q[i].x, &q[i].y);


    int k = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
        if (dcmp(ans[i].y, ans[k].y) < 0 || !dcmp(ans[i].y, ans[k].y) && dcmp(ans[i].x, ans[k].x))
            k = i;

    printf("%.5lf\n", min_area);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, k++)
        auto x = ans[k % 4].x, y = ans[k % 4].y;
        if (!sign(x)) x = 0;
        if (!sign(y)) y = 0;
        printf("%.5lf %.5lf\n", x, y);

    return 0;
View Code


using namespace std;

#define pb push_back

const int N = 500010;
const double eps = 1e-8;

inline bool equals(double a, double b)//判断相等
    return fabs(a - b) < eps;

struct Point//点 向量
    double x, y;
    Point() {}
    Point(double x, double y) :x(x), y(y) {}

    Point operator + (Point& b)
        return Point(x + b.x, y + b.y);

    Point operator - (Point& b)
        return Point(x - b.x, y - b.y);

    Point operator * (double k)
        return Point(x * k, y * k);

    Point operator / (double k)
        return Point(x / k, y / k);

    bool operator < (Point b)
        return equals(x, b.x) ? y < b.y : x < b.x;
typedef Point Vector;

inline double get_atan2(Point a, Point b)//求极角
    Vector v = b - a;
    return atan2(v.y, v.x);

struct Segment//线段 直线 射线
    Point p1, p2;//若表示射线则起点为p1
    double ang;
    Segment() {}
    Segment(Point a, Point b) :p1(a), p2(b), ang(get_atan2(p1, p2)) {}
typedef Segment Line;

struct Circle//
    Point c;
    double r;
    Circle() {}
    Circle(Point c, double r) :c(c), r(r) {}

typedef vector<Point> Polygon;//多边形

double norm(Vector a)//范数
    return pow(a.x, 2) + pow(a.y, 2);

double abs(Vector a)//模长
    return sqrt(norm(a));

double dot(Vector a, Vector b)//|a||b|cos A
    return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;

inline double cross(Vector a, Vector b)//|a||b|sin A
    return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;

bool isOrthogonal(Vector a, Vector b)//判断正交
    return equals(dot(a, b), 0.0);

bool isOrthogonal(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2)
    return isOrthogonal(a1 - a2, b1 - b2);

bool isOrthogonal(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    return isOrthogonal(Vector(s1.p1 - s1.p2), Vector(s2.p1 - s2.p2));

bool isParallel(Vector a, Vector b)//判断平行
    return equals(cross(a, b), 0.0);

bool isParallel(Point a1, Point a2, Point b1, Point b2)
    return isParallel(a1 - a2, b1 - b2);

bool isParallel(Segment s1, Segment s2)
    return isParallel(Vector(s1.p1 - s1.p2), Vector(s2.p1 - s2.p2));

Point project(Point p, Segment s)//求投影
    Vector base = s.p2 - s.p1;
    double r = dot(p - s.p1, base) / norm(base);
    base = base * r;
    return Point(s.p1 + base);

Point reflect(Point p, Segment s)//求映射
    Point p1 = (project(p, s) - p) * 2.0;
    return p + p1;

double get_dis(Point a, Point b)//求点之间距离
    return abs(a - b);

double get_dis(Point a, Line l)//求点与直线之间距离
    return abs(cross(l.p2 - l.p1, a - l.p1) / abs(l.p2 - l.p1));

double get_dis_ps(Point p, Segment s)//求点与线段距离
    if (dot(p - s.p1, s.p2 - s.p1) < 0.0) return abs(p - s.p1);
    if (dot(p - s.p2, s.p1 - s.p2) < 0.0) return abs(p - s.p2);
    return get_dis(p, s);

inline bool intersect(Point, Point, Point, Point);
inline bool intersect(Segment, Segment);

double get_dis_ss(Segment a, Segment b)//求线段之间距离
    if (intersect(a, b)) return 0.0;
    return min(min(get_dis_ps(a.p1, b), get_dis_ps(a.p2, b)), min(get_dis_ps(b.p1, a), get_dis_ps(b.p2, a)));

const int CC = 1;//逆时针方向
const int C = -1;//顺时针方向
const int OB = 2;//方向相反
const int OF = -2;//方向相同 |b|>|a|
const int OS = 0;//方向相同 |a|>|b|

inline int ccw(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)//判断三点的位置关系
    Vector a = p2 - p1;
    Vector b = p3 - p1;
    if (cross(a, b) > eps) return CC;
    if (cross(a, b) < -eps) return C;
    if (dot(a, b) < -eps) return OB;
    if (norm(a) < norm(b)) return OF;
    return OS;

inline int ccw(Vector a, Vector b)//判断向量的位置关系
    if (cross(a, b) > eps) return CC;
    if (cross(a, b) < -eps) return C;
    if (dot(a, b) < -eps) return OB;
    if (norm(a) < norm(b)) return OF;
    return OS;

inline bool intersect(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d)//判断两线段相交
    return ccw(a, b, c) * ccw(a, b, d) <= 0 && ccw(c, d, a) * ccw(c, d, b) <= 0;

inline bool intersect(Segment a, Segment b)
    return intersect(a.p1, a.p2, b.p1, b.p2);

Point getCrossPoint_Line(Line s1, Line s2)//求两直线交点
    Vector v1, v2;
    v1 = s1.p2 - s1.p1, v2 = s2.p2 - s2.p1;
    Vector u = s1.p1 - s2.p1;
    double t = cross(v2, u) / cross(v1, v2);

    Point x = v1 * t;
    return s1.p1 + x;

Point getCrossPoint(Segment s1, Segment s2, bool flag = 0)//求两线段交点
    if (!intersect(s1, s2))
        if (flag) return getCrossPoint_Line(s1, s2);
        else return Point(1e18, 1e18);

    Vector base = s2.p2 - s2.p1;
    double d1 = abs(cross(base, s1.p1 - s2.p1));
    double d2 = abs(cross(base, s1.p2 - s2.p1));
    double t = d1 / (d1 + d2);
    Point x = (s1.p2 - s1.p1) * t;
    return s1.p1 + x;

pair<Point, Point> getCrossPoint(Line l, Circle C)//求直线与圆交点
    if (get_dis(C.c, l) > C.r) return make_pair(Point(2e18, 2e18), Point(2e18, 2e18));

    Point pr = project(C.c, l);
    Vector e = (l.p2 - l.p1) / abs(l.p2 - l.p2);
    double base = sqrt(C.r * C.r - norm(pr - C.c));
    Vector x = e * base;
    return make_pair(pr + x, pr - x);

inline Polygon andrewScan(Polygon p)//求凸包
    Polygon u, d;
    if (p.size() < 3) return p;
    sort(p.begin(), p.end());


    d.pb(p[p.size() - 1]);
    d.pb(p[p.size() - 2]);

    for (int i = 2; i < p.size(); i++)
        for (int k = u.size(); k >= 2 && ccw(u[k - 2], u[k - 1], p[i]) != C; k--) u.pop_back();

    for (int i = p.size() - 3; ~i; i--)
        for (int k = d.size(); k >= 2 && ccw(d[k - 2], d[k - 1], p[i]) != C; k--) d.pop_back();

    reverse(d.begin(), d.end());
    for (int i = u.size() - 2; i; i--) d.pb(u[i]);
    return d;

inline bool cmp_ang(Segment a, Segment b)//极角排序
    return a.ang < b.ang;

inline bool OnLeft(Point p, Line s)
    return cross(s.p2 - s.p1, p - s.p1) > 0.0;

inline Polygon HPI(vector<Segment> L)//求半平面交
    int n = L.size();
    sort(L.begin(), L.end(), cmp_ang);

    int head, tail;
    vector<Point> p(n);
    vector<Segment> q(n);
    vector<Point> ans;

    q[head = tail = 0] = L[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[tail - 1], L[i])) tail--;
        while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[head], L[i])) head++;
        q[++tail] = L[i];

        if (equals(cross(q[tail].p2 - q[tail].p1, q[tail - 1].p2 - q[tail - 1].p1), 0.0))
            if (OnLeft(L[i].p1, q[tail])) q[tail] = L[i];
        if (head < tail) p[tail - 1] = getCrossPoint(q[tail - 1], q[tail], 1);

    while (head < tail && !OnLeft(p[tail - 1], q[head])) tail--;
    if (head == tail) return ans;
    p[tail] = getCrossPoint(q[tail], q[head], 1);
    for (int i = head; i <= tail; i++) ans.pb(p[i]);
    return ans;

inline double Ploygon_area(Polygon s)//求多边形面积
    int n = s.size();
    double ans = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ans += cross(s[i], s[(i + 1) % n]);
    return ans * 0.5;

int main()

    return 0;
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  $\vec a\cdot \vec b=x_ax_b+y_ay_b+z_az_b$


  $\vec a\times \vec b=(x_a,y_a,z_a)\times (x_b,y_b,z_b)=(y_az_b-z_ay_b,z_ax_b-x_az_b,x_ay_b-x_ay_b)$




  $\vec{n}=\vec {P1P2}\times \vec {P1P3}=(A,B,C)$






  $F$ :面   $E$ :边   $V$ :点


posted on 2021-05-18 21:41  ArrogHie  阅读(833)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报