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直到今天遇到一个员工编号是纯数字的,在使用user add xxxx 创建时报:useradd: invalid user name '5201351', 如下:


比如像id 之类的命令,是可以直接指定uid或者用户名的,如果是纯数字了,到底应该视为什么呢?


笔者去查询了redhat相关的文档,其中redhat 7.6 版本的Release_Notes已经说明了,如下:

All-numeric user and group names in shadow-utils are now deprecated
Creating user and group names consisting purely of numeric characters using the useradd and
groupadd commands is now deprecated and will be removed from the system with the next major
release. Such names can potentially confuse many tools that work with user and group names and user
and group ids (which are numbers).



后笔者在Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1672958 文档中也发现了此解释,如下

The useradd and groupadd commands disallow user and group names
consisting purely of numeric characters since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.
The reason for not allowing such names is that this can confuse potentially
many tools that work with user and group names and user and group ids
(which are numbers). However due to some deployments depending on allowing all-numeric user names
this erratum makes useradd and groupadd commands to allow all-numeric user and group names
if environment variable SHADOW_ALLOW_ALL_NUMERIC_USER is set.
Please note that the all-numeric user and group names are
deprecated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and the support will be completely removed in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.





useradd 123456
useradd -u 1351 -g 2099 -G wheel,ssh-users -c "qq_5201351"  5201351






尊重别人的劳动成果 转载请务必注明出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/5201351/p/14848730.html