



  1. @ConditionalOnBean:如果存在对应的Bean,则进行当前Bean的初始化。

  2. @ConditionalOnClass:如果项目的classpath下存在对应的类文件,则进行当前Bean的初始化。

  3. @ConditionalOnExpression:如果满足SpEL表达式,则进行当前Bean的初始化。

  4. @ConditionalOnMissingBean:如果不存在对应的Bean,则进行当前Bean的初始化。

  5. @ConditionalOnMissingClass:如果项目的classpath下不存在对应的类文件,则进行当前Bean的初始化。

  6. @ConditionalOnProperty:如果配置文件上的属性值符合预期值,则进行当前Bean的初始化。




@Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface ConditionalOnBean {

	 * The class types of beans that should be checked. The condition matches when beans
	 * of all classes specified are contained in the {@link BeanFactory}.
	 * @return the class types of beans to check
	Class<?>[] value() default {};

	 * The class type names of beans that should be checked. The condition matches when
	 * beans of all classes specified are contained in the {@link BeanFactory}.
	 * @return the class type names of beans to check
	String[] type() default {};

	 * The annotation type decorating a bean that should be checked. The condition matches
	 * when all of the annotations specified are defined on beans in the
	 * {@link BeanFactory}.
	 * @return the class-level annotation types to check
	Class<? extends Annotation>[] annotation() default {};

	 * The names of beans to check. The condition matches when all of the bean names
	 * specified are contained in the {@link BeanFactory}.
	 * @return the names of beans to check
	String[] name() default {};

	 * Strategy to decide if the application context hierarchy (parent contexts) should be
	 * considered.
	 * @return the search strategy
	SearchStrategy search() default SearchStrategy.ALL;

	 * Additional classes that may contain the specified bean types within their generic
	 * parameters. For example, an annotation declaring {@code value=Name.class} and
	 * {@code parameterizedContainer=NameRegistration.class} would detect both
	 * {@code Name} and {@code NameRegistration<Name>}.
	 * @return the container types
	 * @since 2.1.0
	Class<?>[] parameterizedContainer() default {};


首先,查看@ConditionalOnBean注解的源码,发现该注解上有个元数据注解 @Conditional,那么这个注解是干嘛的呢?


 * <p>The {@code @Conditional} annotation may be used in any of the following ways:
 * <ul>
 * <li>as a type-level annotation on any class directly or indirectly annotated with
 * {@code @Component}, including {@link Configuration @Configuration} classes</li>
 * <li>as a meta-annotation, for the purpose of composing custom stereotype
 * annotations</li>// 作为元注解,用于编写自定义构造型注解
 * <li>as a method-level annotation on any {@link Bean @Bean} method</li>
 * </ul>
 * ....
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Conditional {

	 * All {@link Condition} classes that must {@linkplain Condition#matches match}
	 * in order for the component to be registered.
	Class<? extends Condition>[] value();



public interface Condition {

	 * Determine if the condition matches.
	 * @param context the condition context
	 * @param metadata the metadata of the {@link org.springframework.core.type.AnnotationMetadata class}
	 * or {@link org.springframework.core.type.MethodMetadata method} being checked
	 * @return {@code true} if the condition matches and the component can be registered,
	 * or {@code false} to veto the annotated component's registration
	boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata);



ConditionContext: 可以拿到上下文信息,包括beanFactory、environment和resourceLoader等。

AnnotatedTypeMetadata: 可以获取被@Conditional标记的注解信息。

public interface ConditionContext {

	BeanDefinitionRegistry getRegistry();

	ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory();

	Environment getEnvironment();

	ResourceLoader getResourceLoader();

	ClassLoader getClassLoader();





 * 所有Condition实现的基类
 * Base of all {@link Condition} implementations used with Spring Boot. Provides sensible
 * logging to help the user diagnose what classes are loaded.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Greg Turnquist
 * @since 1.0.0
public abstract class SpringBootCondition implements Condition {

	private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

	public final boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
		String classOrMethodName = getClassOrMethodName(metadata);
		try {
      // getMatchOutcome是个抽象方法,由各个子类去实现
			ConditionOutcome outcome = getMatchOutcome(context, metadata);
			logOutcome(classOrMethodName, outcome);
			recordEvaluation(context, classOrMethodName, outcome);
			return outcome.isMatch();
		catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Could not evaluate condition on " + classOrMethodName + " due to "
					+ ex.getMessage() + " not found. Make sure your own configuration does not rely on "
					+ "that class. This can also happen if you are "
					+ "@ComponentScanning a springframework package (e.g. if you "
					+ "put a @ComponentScan in the default package by mistake)", ex);
		catch (RuntimeException ex) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Error processing condition on " + getName(metadata), ex);
	// 省略其他代码...

public class ConditionOutcome {

	private final boolean match;

	private final ConditionMessage message;
  // 省略其他代码...


	public ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
		ConditionMessage matchMessage = ConditionMessage.empty();
		MergedAnnotations annotations = metadata.getAnnotations();
		if (annotations.isPresent(ConditionalOnBean.class)) {
      // 首先包装成Spec类,Spec里的属性与ConditionalOnBean注解的基本一致
			Spec<ConditionalOnBean> spec = new Spec<>(context, metadata, annotations, ConditionalOnBean.class);
      // 获取所有的匹配的bean
			MatchResult matchResult = getMatchingBeans(context, spec);
			if (!matchResult.isAllMatched()) {
        // 由于@ConditionalOnBean可以指定多个bean,所以这里要求全匹配,否则返回不匹配的原因
				String reason = createOnBeanNoMatchReason(matchResult);
				return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(spec.message().because(reason));
			matchMessage = spec.message(matchMessage).found("bean", "beans").items(Style.QUOTE,
		if (metadata.isAnnotated(ConditionalOnSingleCandidate.class.getName())) {
			Spec<ConditionalOnSingleCandidate> spec = new SingleCandidateSpec(context, metadata, annotations);
			MatchResult matchResult = getMatchingBeans(context, spec);
			if (!matchResult.isAllMatched()) {
				return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(spec.message().didNotFind("any beans").atAll());
			else if (!hasSingleAutowireCandidate(context.getBeanFactory(), matchResult.getNamesOfAllMatches(),
					spec.getStrategy() == SearchStrategy.ALL)) {
				return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(spec.message().didNotFind("a primary bean from beans")
						.items(Style.QUOTE, matchResult.getNamesOfAllMatches()));
			matchMessage = spec.message(matchMessage).found("a primary bean from beans").items(Style.QUOTE,
		if (metadata.isAnnotated(ConditionalOnMissingBean.class.getName())) {
			Spec<ConditionalOnMissingBean> spec = new Spec<>(context, metadata, annotations,
			MatchResult matchResult = getMatchingBeans(context, spec);
			if (matchResult.isAnyMatched()) {
				String reason = createOnMissingBeanNoMatchReason(matchResult);
				return ConditionOutcome.noMatch(spec.message().because(reason));
			matchMessage = spec.message(matchMessage).didNotFind("any beans").atAll();
		return ConditionOutcome.match(matchMessage);



  1. 创建一个Condition类并实现Condition接口
  2. 根据自己的需求写一个ConditionalOnXX注解,并指定Condition类
  3. 完善Condition类的matches方法逻辑


需求背景: 自定义ConditionalOnXX注解,实现设置的多个配置项中,任意一个配置匹配中即可完成Bean的初始化。


 * @Author: Ship
 * @Description: 任意name-value匹配即可
 * @Date: Created in 2021/10/18
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
@Conditional(value = OnAnyMatchCondition.class)
public @interface ConditionalOnAnyMatch {

    String[] name() default {};

    String[] value() default {};


 * @Author: Ship
 * @Description:
 * @Date: Created in 2021/10/18
public class OnAnyMatchCondition implements Condition {

    public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
        Environment environment = context.getEnvironment();
        MergedAnnotations annotations = metadata.getAnnotations();
        if (!annotations.isPresent(ConditionalOnAnyMatch.class)) {
            return true;
        MergedAnnotation<ConditionalOnAnyMatch> annotation = annotations.get(ConditionalOnAnyMatch.class);
      	// 获取注解的属性值
        String[] names = annotation.getValue("name", String[].class).orElse(new String[]{});
        String[] values = annotation.getValue("value", String[].class).orElse(new String[]{});
        for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
            // 通过环境变量拿到项目配置信息
            String property = environment.getProperty(names[i]);
            String value = values[i];
            if (value != null && value.equals(property)) {
                // 任意一个匹配则返回true
                return true;
        return false;



public class TestBean {



 * @Author: Ship
 * @Description:
 * @Date: Created in 2021/10/18
@ConditionalOnAnyMatch(name = {"test.aa", "test.bb"}, value = {"1", "2"})
public class TestClassBean {

    public void init(){
        System.out.println("Initialized bean:testClassBean...");


 * @Author: Ship
 * @Description:
 * @Date: Created in 2021/10/18
public class TestConfiguration {

    @ConditionalOnAnyMatch(name = {"test.aa", "test.bb"}, value = {"1", "2"})
    public TestBean testBean() {
        System.out.println("Initialized bean:testBean...");
        return new TestBean();


  • 测试不符合的场景




  • 测试符合一个的场景




    Initialized bean:testClassBean...
    Initialized bean:testBean...
    2021-10-20 21:37:50.319  INFO 7488 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8081 (http) with context path ''
    2021-10-20 21:37:50.328  INFO 7488 --- [           main] cn.sp.SpringExtensionApplication         : Started SpringExtensionApplication in 1.725 seconds (JVM running for 2.325)


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