
select count(proid) from (select distinct proid from tachecontractid  where (empid=@uid or departid=@did) and state>2) as a
select * into #d from tachecontractid  a
where id=(select min(id) from (select* from tachecontractid where (departid=@did or empid=@uid) and state>2)
as h where proid=a.proid and proid=h.proid)
        select top(@onepagecout) id,proid,Itemname,Wordname,worddate from #d  where id>(
select isnull(max(id),
0)from (select top(@onepagecout*@pageindex) id from #d order by id) as h) order by id


posted @ 2011-08-30 10:07  一个土豆一棵青菜  阅读(158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报