


Class JMeterContext

  • java.lang.Object
  • org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContext

  • public class JMeterContext
    extends java.lang.Object
    Holds context for a thread. Generated by JMeterContextService. The class is not thread-safe - it is only intended for use within a single thread.


Method Summary

All MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete MethodsDeprecated Methods
Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
void cleanAfterSample()
Clean cached data after sample Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void clear()
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
Sampler getCurrentSampler()
StandardJMeterEngine getEngine()
SampleResult getPreviousResult()
Sampler getPreviousSampler()
Returns the previousSampler.
java.util.Properties getProperties()
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getSamplerContext()
Sampler context is cleaned up as soon as Post-Processor have ended
JMeterThread getThread()
AbstractThreadGroup getThreadGroup()
int getThreadNum()
Returns the threadNum.
JMeterVariables getVariables()
Gives access to the JMeter variables for the current thread.
boolean isRecording()
boolean isRestartNextLoop()
boolean isSamplingStarted()
boolean isStartNextThreadLoop()
void setCurrentSampler(Sampler sampler)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setEngine(StandardJMeterEngine engine)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setPreviousResult(SampleResult result)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setRecording(boolean recording)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setRestartNextLoop(boolean restartNextLoop)
void setSamplingStarted(boolean b)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setStartNextThreadLoop(boolean restartNextLoop)
void setThread(JMeterThread thread)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setThreadGroup(AbstractThreadGroup threadgrp)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setThreadNum(int threadNum)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
void setVariables(JMeterVariables vars)
Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly


      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
      • getVariables

        public JMeterVariables getVariables()
        Gives access to the JMeter variables for the current thread.
        a pointer to the JMeter variables.
      • getProperties

        public java.util.Properties getProperties()
        a pointer to the JMeter Properties.
      • setVariables

        public void setVariables(JMeterVariables vars)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        vars - JMeterVariables
      • getPreviousResult

        public SampleResult getPreviousResult()
      • setPreviousResult

        public void setPreviousResult(SampleResult result)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        result - SampleResult
      • getCurrentSampler

        public Sampler getCurrentSampler()
      • setCurrentSampler

        public void setCurrentSampler(Sampler sampler)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        sampler - Sampler
      • getPreviousSampler

        public Sampler getPreviousSampler()
        Returns the previousSampler.
      • getThreadNum

        public int getThreadNum()
        Returns the threadNum.
      • setThreadNum

        public void setThreadNum(int threadNum)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        threadNum - number of threads
      • setThread

        public void setThread(JMeterThread thread)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        thread - to use
      • setThreadGroup

        public void setThreadGroup(AbstractThreadGroup threadgrp)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        threadgrp - ThreadGroup to use
      • setEngine

        public void setEngine(StandardJMeterEngine engine)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        engine - to use
      • isSamplingStarted

        public boolean isSamplingStarted()
      • setSamplingStarted

        public void setSamplingStarted(boolean b)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        b - flag whether sampling has started
      • setStartNextThreadLoop

        public void setStartNextThreadLoop(boolean restartNextLoop)
        restartNextLoop - if set to true a restart of the loop will occur
      • isStartNextThreadLoop

        public boolean isStartNextThreadLoop()
        true when current loop iteration will be interrupted and JMeter will go to next iteration
      • setRestartNextLoop

        public void setRestartNextLoop(boolean restartNextLoop)
        if set to true current loop iteration will be interrupted and JMeter will go to next iteration
        restartNextLoop - flag whether to restart
      • isRestartNextLoop

        public boolean isRestartNextLoop()
        Deprecated. use isStartNextThreadLoop()
        flag whether restart is set
      • cleanAfterSample

        public void cleanAfterSample()
        Clean cached data after sample Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
      • getSamplerContext

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getSamplerContext()
        Sampler context is cleaned up as soon as Post-Processor have ended
        Context to use within PostProcessors to cache data
      • setRecording

        public void setRecording(boolean recording)
        Internally called by JMeter, never call it directly
        recording - flag whether recording should be done


public boolean isRecording()
posted @ 2018-02-27 14:22  tao之夭夭  阅读(1272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报