zencart 1.5.1 review(商品评论)模块更新


Reviews — Updated

Version 1.1.0 released by lat9

Current Support Thread at Zen Cart Forums: http://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.php?197992-Reviews-Updated-Support-Thread

Version History:

This plugin is based on Reviews by Guests, released on April 25, 2009 by Tervarent (code development by Perfectino: www.perfectino.com, www.perfectino.fr).

  • v1.0.0, 2012-07-08, Initial release.
  • v1.1.0, 2012-09-24, Merged with Zen Cart® v1.5.1 to include the CSS anti-spam feature.

What it does

This plugin provides updates to the standard Zen Cart processing of reviews for your products:

  • Reviews can be written by guests, controlled by an admin configuration value.
  • For customer privacy, reviews written by logged-in customers include only their first name and the first letter of their last name (e.g. John Smith becomes John S.).
  • Upon successful review submission, a message is displayed to the customer indicating that their review has been received.
  • If the customer is required to sign in (or register) prior to writing a review, a message indicating as such is displayed on redirect to the login page.

These standard zen-cart database configuration values are used by this plugin:

  • Configuration->Minimum Values->Product Review Text
  • Configuration->Product Info->Product Reviews Require Approval
  • Configuration->E-mail Options->Send Notice of Pending Reviews Emails To - Status
  • Configuration->E-mail Options->Send Notice of Pending Reviews Emails To

These database configuration values are added by this plugin:

  • Configuration->Minimum Values->>Product Review Write - Guest Reviewer Name (default: 5)
  • Configuration->Product Info->Enable product reviews by guests? (default: 1/true)


There are core-file overwrites in this plugin; you should always backup your cart’s database and files prior to making any changes.

  1. Go to your admin's Tools->Install SQL Patches; from there you can either upload the reviews_updated_install.sql file or copy and paste the contents of the file.
  2. Make a backup copy of the overwritten core files, then copy the plugin's files to your cart, after renaming the "YOUR_TEMPLATE" folders to match your custom template's name:
    1. /includes/languages/english/YOUR_TEMPLATE/product_reviews_write.php
    2. /includes/modules/pages/product_reviews_write/header_php.php
    3. /includes/modules/pages/product_reviews_write/jscript_main.php
    4. /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_product_reviews_write_default.php


Run the reviews_updated_uninstall.sql to remove the database entries, then replace the files you previously copied with their initial contents. The contents of the SQL file assume that the DB_PREFIX value in your configure.php files is set to blank (''). If that's not the case, you'll need to edit the .sql file to add your database prefix to the configuration table's name. For example, if your DB_PREFIX value is 'zen_', then you would add zen_ to the name of the configuration table (i.e. zen_configuration) before running the SQL script.

posted @ 2013-03-22 15:32  海阔天空XM  阅读(595)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报