Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb

New words and expressions

1.       Prize  n./adj  奖金,奖励,奖品 booby prize 安慰奖 win a prize 赢得大奖

Eg.The first prize goes to Peter.

Carry off the first prize 夺得一等奖 adj .prize money 奖金

A prize idiot a complete fool 彻底的傻瓜   a prize fool

The best,the most important or the most useful

Prize possessions 珍贵的财产(令人骄傲的)

Precious :which was important to you because you are connected with people you like.

Eg.precious historical relic 珍贵的历史遗迹

Rare animals 珍贵的动物    valuable adj.值钱的 a valuable  painting 值钱的画

Valuable time  宝贵的时间

v.珍惜   prize the friendship 珍视友情

2.  tie  v.用绳子系上

         Eg. He tied the horse to a locust.

         Eg.A housewife tied to the kitchen all day. 

         Eg.A housewife confined to kitchen all day.

         Tie the knot get married 喜结良缘

         Be tired up :be busy,be occupied or engaged 忙于,从事

         Eg.I won’t see you tomorrow

         Eg. I’m going to be tied up all day.

         Eg.I’m booked all day tomorrow.

Eg.The traffic is tried up 交通不畅

Bow tie 蝴蝶结  :or simply,bow

And in a tie 平局

2.       Theft  n.偷盗行为,偷窃案

Eg.There are a number of thefts in the area.

Steal sth :take sth away illegally 偷窃

Eg.Someone stole my passport while I was asleep.

Rob:to take sth away from sb with violence in public places.

Rob a band  rob sb of sth

Eg.Rob Peter and pay Paul .拆东墙补西墙

Burgle  Br. 夜间行窃

Burglarize (Am)  夜间行窃

         Burglarize a house   burglarize an office

Pickpocket  :Somebody steal things from your pocket,usually when you are in a crowd of people.

3.       Accuse  v.指控

Accuse sb of (doing) sth 指控某人犯有

Eg.He was accused of theft.

Be charged with 被指控

Eg.The man they arrested last night has been charged with murder.

Charge sb (money) for sth. 像某人收取费用

Eg.The hotel charged us $200 for each night.

Sue :to make a legal claim against sb especially for an amout of money 起诉获得赔偿

Sue sb for divorce 起诉离婚

Indict v.对触犯刑法的行为进行起诉

Indict sb for sth

Eg.He was indicted for fraud.

Prosecute :to officially say that someone is guilty and must be judged by a law court. …. 提起公诉。

Eg.If payment has not been received by March 11th ,we’ll be forced to prosecute. 3.11号前我们没有说到货款,我们将提起公诉。

4.       Deny   v.否认

To say that what has been said or done is not true

Admit  承认 admit doing

Eg.He denied any involvement in the affair.他否认跟这件事情没有关系

Eg.He denies nothing to her.他对她有求必应。

It cannot be denied that ….   不可否认的是..

Eg.There is no denying the fact that he has done us a good deed.不可否认的是他为我们做一件好事情。

5.       Shame  n.羞耻,惭愧  an uncomfortable feeling you have when you have done sth wrong.

Eg.What a shame! 真丢人 

Shameful   behavior 羞耻的行为   shameless 无耻的   ashamed 感到羞耻,感到惭愧

Be ashamed of sth

Eg.He is ashamed of his failure. 为失败感到羞耻

Be ashamed of having done sth  曾经做了什么感到羞愧

Eg.I was ashamed of having lied to my mother.我为刚才跟母亲撒谎而感到羞耻。

6.       Apologize  v.道歉  ize 后缀 动词

Apologize for sth 就某事致歉

Eg.I apologize for the delay to your letter.我很抱歉给你的回信晚了。

Apologize to sb for sth 向某人就某事道歉

Eg.He apologized to me for stepping on my foot. 他因踩了我的脚向我道歉。

Apology   n.道歉  ,谢罪

Make an apology to sb for sth

Accept sb’s apology 接受某人的道歉  be apologetic for

Apologetic  adj.歉意的,抱歉的

Eg.He was very apologetic for coming late. 他因迟到而感到歉意。

7.       Dye   v.染色  to give sth a different color

Dyeing  dyed dyed

Dye sth black  /   dye sth blue  dye her hair blonde.

Eg.The rising sun dyed the sky red.

Eg.The setting sun dyed the sky red.


1.       Lamb :a young sheep  小绵羊

Like a lamb to the slaugher: used when sb is going to do sth dangerous but does not realize it 羊入虎口

Eg.Here comes the naïve bride,like a lamb to the slaughter.

Kid n.小山羊,小孩子

Eg.I won a prize of $5000

You are kidding (me)! 不是真的吧。 To say it’s not true.

Eg.Don’t kid yourself.不要自欺欺人。

2.       Prize possessions

Eg.One of my prize possessions was a book named Great Expectations which my parents had given me on my birthday.

3.       Keep it tied to a tree 栓到一个棵树上

Eg.I’ll keep you informed of the result.我会随时通知你结果。

Keep sth/sb doing  使不停的做某事

Eg.I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.

Eg.Here’s $500 that will keep you going for a while.这里有500块够你花一段时间了。

Eg.The river kept children from swimming in summer.

Eg.Keep the truth from my father.不要把真相告诉我父亲

Eg.I put potatoes in salted water to keep them from turning bad.我把土豆放在盐水防止坏了。

4.       Fetch  v.

Go and get sth back

Fetch sth from 

Eg.Fetch the kids from school 。从学校接孩子。

Fetch sth for sb   fetch sb sth.

Eg.Please fetch me that book.

Fetch sb a clip /fetch a blow  打了某人一顿

5.       Set out  出发

Stand out  站出来

Stand out in the next game 不参加下一场比赛

Stay out 走到户外,不插手

Stay out of my business 不要插手我的事情。

Find out  :查出,发现

6.       Prove difficult 

Eg.He would find it no difficult.

Eg.That will not prove to be difficult.

7.       Tell sb about sth

Tell sb sth/ tell sb a lie  tell sb a story   tell sb the truth.

Tell sb about sth 告诉某人有关某事

Eg.Tell me sth about your new job.

Know about (对有关….) 了解

Learn about  …..有耳闻  lie  about   隐瞒

Eg.She lied about her age. 她隐瞒了她的年龄.

8.       Acquire 

1)       To buy or get sth,especially sth expensive or difficult to get

2)       To learn knowledge ,skills etc by your own efforts.

Acquire a high reputation 获得很高的名誉

Get :the most common word in spoken and informal writing

Get hold of sth  :especially you get sth after difficult.

Eg.He gets hold of a rare  change after working hard for years.经过多年努力终于得到一个机会

Abtain  :in formal writing

Receive Lslightly formal ) 较为正式

Eg.The charity receives most of its money through private donation (捐献).

Achieve independence  得到独立

9.       Or  conj.否则,要不人

Used to warn or advise someone that if they do not do sth,then sth they do not want will happen.

Eg.You’d better do as I told you,or you will be sorry.

Or else :

Eg.You’d better be there tomorrow,or else.你明天最好去,否则有你好瞧。

10.   Backyard 后院

Backdoor  后门的,手段不正当

Back door  后门

Eg.She went to the university by backdoor.她通过走后门上的大学

Backroom’s boy 科学家,智囊团(参与国家机密研究)

Back seat driver  指手画脚的,乱批评的人

11.   It was/is true that…..,but….

Eg.It is true that he is not quite clever ,but he is very diligent .他虽然不聪明,但是很勤奋.

12.   Ashamed of having done 为自己的….而感到惭愧

Eg.Ashamed of having wronged his wife,he was very apologetic.

Convinced of sth ….深信不疑

Eg.Convinced of his honesty ,he decided to make a friend of him.

13.   Until  () 直到

Eg.People seldom realize how precious their health is until it is lost.

Eg.Seldom do people realize how precious their health is until it is lost.

14.   Wool  n.羊毛 ,原料

Wool blanket 羊毛毯  fleece n.羊毛

Fur   皮毛   fur coat 羊皮大衣   pelt  生皮  hide   皮张  leather 皮革

Leather belt 皮带 leather shoes 皮鞋

15.   Wash clean

Lick clean 添干净 drink hot 趁热喝    die young 年轻死去 stand petrified 身体吓疆了


1.       Eat one’s words 收回前言

Eg.I am apologetic for having wrongs you,and I eat my words.

2.       Keep a weather eye on sth (watch a situation so that you notice anything unusual or unpleasant.密切注意

Eg.Parents are always keeping a weather eye on their children.