
时间:2008-5-9 夜
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最近在公司内部,有很多同事都在讨论Facebook的成功,但大部分同事都仅仅将Facebook看作SNS社区,根据理解,水煮 鱼想对此进行一个澄清。Facebook不仅仅是一个简单的SNS社区,如果真是这样,那么微软不必花费2.4亿美元,成就Facebook150亿美元的市场估值了。




计算机产业从巨型机到工作站,再到个人电脑,微软的视窗操作系统不仅仅成就了伟大的软件巨人,也见证了信息时代的过去和现在。可能到现在谁也不能怀疑,信息时代的明日必将是网络。 日月苍狗,曾经以创新见长的微软,现在却逐渐沦为了保守顽固的代名词。在桌面系统上的成功,对于微软来说,在某种程度上更像变成了桎梏,使得在网络时代的今天,微软的脚步变得步履蹒跚。尽管很早盖茨就预见了网络时代的来临,但从MSN到LIVE,微软似乎从来都未有突破。VISTA的冷遇,似乎在昭示着一种残酷的现实。反观Google,随着在搜索上的成功,Google在互联网的野心逐渐显露。Gmail,Google Docs,Google Picasa等成功产品的推出,已经为Google的未来描绘了一幅美丽的图景。除此之外,Google也竭力收集强大的分布式计算能力,Google似乎对无线接入也抱有超出常规的兴趣,花费巨资购买了Winmax的频段。

Google究竟想做什么?曾经的一篇报道 - 惊人之举!为对抗微软Google竟出操作系统 转载在国内的各大网站,似乎在表明Google有心进入到桌面操作系统领域;但是后来终于澄清了这纯属网友恶搞。但并非空穴来风,Google的各种举动表明:Google的野心更大。

操作系统从文字界面,发展到图形操作系统,不论是Windows、Linux还是MAC OS,基于单机版的操作系统的进化似乎一直都走着很"Cool”,很强大的老路。随着网络时代的来临,网络操作系统也呼之欲出。对于什么是网络操作系统,其实并没有普遍的定义。根据我的理解,可能将其称为操作系统的网络化更为贴切。在Wiki百科上,将操作系统的定义为:

An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer resources and provides programmers/users with an interface used to access those resources. An operating system processes system data and user input, and responds by allocating and managing tasks and internal system resources as a service to users and programs of the system. An operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling and allocating memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating computer networking and managing files. Operating systems can be found on almost anything made with integrated circuits, such as personal computers, internet servers, cellphones, music players, routers, switches, wireless access points, network storage, game consoles, digital cameras, sewing machines and telescopes.


从某种程度上说,Google当前已经具备了网络操作系统的某些基因。比如通过Google Map API,可以实现调用Google的地图资源,并在其上标志区域,添加文字说明等;通过Google Base Data API,可以实现对Google Data的数据存取功能;甚至通过Google提供的API函数,还可以很容易的使用Google收集的强大的分布式计算能力。但就目前来看,似乎Google提供各种平台功能仅与开发者关联紧密,一般的用户似乎并未有直接的体验。




Facebook launched the Facebook Platform on May 24, 2007, providing a framework for software developers to create applications that interact with core Facebook features.[53][54][54] A markup language was also introduced, called Facebook markup language, used to customize the "look and feel" of applications that developers created. This enabled Facebook itself to launch several new applications that integrated with the Facebook system.[53][54] These include the Gifts application, which allows users to send virtual gifts to each other, the Marketplace, allowing users to post free classified ads, Events, which gives users a method of informing their friends about upcoming events, and Video, an application that allows users to share homemade videos with one another.[55][56]

Applications that have been created include chess and a game similar to Scrabble, which allow users to play games against their friends.[57][58] The games played are asynchronous, which saves a user's move on the server, allowing the next move to be made any time in the future rather than immediately after the previous move.[59] Within a few months of launching the Facebook Platform, issues arose regarding "application spam", which involves Facebook applications "spamming" users to request it be installed.[60] Application spam has been considered one of the possible causes to the drop in visitors to Facebook starting from the beginning of 2008, when the website's growth had fallen from December 2007 to January 2008, its first drop since the website launched.[61]

试想:通过Facebook平台,你可以开发出那些直接面向用户的应用,比如Fun Wall, 比如Circl up,比如Gift等等!这和你目前在windows平台上开发应用程序服务之大众是何等的相似。正是由于SNS社区的粘性和Facebook的平台属性,才成就了今日的Facebook,无怪乎,目前在硅谷周围已经形成了诸多以开发Facebook APP应用为生的新兴公司。我因此坚持认为从目前来看,Facebook不仅仅是一个SNS社区,而是未来网络操作系统的原型。







posted @ 2008-05-10 01:08  水煮 鱼  阅读(4146)  评论(21编辑  收藏  举报