ExtAspNet v2.1.1

ExtAspNet v2.1.1
ExtAspNet is a set of professional Asp.net controls with native AJAX support and rich UI effect
which aim at No JavaScript, No CSS, No UpdatePanel and No WebServices.

Support Browsers: IE 7.0+, Firefox 3.0+, Chrome 2.0+, Opera 9.5+, Safari 3.0+

Note: ExtAspNet bases on Open Source Projects like ExtJS, HtmlAgilityPack, Nii.JSON, YUICompressor.

Open Source Project: http://extaspnet.codeplex.com/
Technical Support: http://sanshi.cnblogs.com/
Examples Online: http://extasp.net/
Contact Author: sanshi.ustc@gmail.com

Release History:

+2009-09-15 v2.1.1
 +为Button, MenuButton, LinkButton, LinkButtonField增加ConfirmTarget。
  -ExtAspNet.Alert.Show("参数错误!", String.Empty, ExtAspNet.ActiveWindow.GetCloseReference());

posted @ 2009-09-15 19:21  三生石上(FineUI控件)  阅读(3051)  评论(10编辑  收藏  举报