poj 3411 Paid Roads


A network of m roads connects N cities (numbered from 1 to N). There may be more than one road connecting one city with another. Some of the roads are paid. There are two ways to pay for travel on a paid road i from city ai to city bi:

  • in advance, in a city ci (which may or may not be the same as ai);
  • after the travel, in the city bi.

The payment is Pi in the first case and Ri in the second case.

Write a program to find a minimal-cost route from the city 1 to the city N.


The first line of the input contains the values of N and m. Each of the following m lines describes one road by specifying the values of aibiciPiRi (1 ≤ ≤ m). Adjacent values on the same line are separated by one or more spaces. All values are integers, 1 ≤m, N ≤ 10, 0 ≤ Pi , Ri ≤ 100, Pi ≤ Ri (1 ≤ ≤ m).


The first and only line of the file must contain the minimal possible cost of a trip from the city 1 to the city N. If the trip is not possible for any reason, the line must contain the word ‘impossible’.

Sample Input

4 5
1 2 1 10 10
2 3 1 30 50
3 4 3 80 80
2 1 2 10 10
1 3 2 10 50

Sample Output












1、  输入数据时可能会出现多条 从城市a到城市b的路径信息,但是费用有所差别;

2、  对于 从城市a到城市b 的同一条路径,允许重复走。





6 5

1 2 1 10 10

2 3 4 10 100

2 4 2 15 15

4 1 1 12 12

3 6 6 10 10


1à2à3à6 共135元


1à2à4à1à2à3à6 共67元




       我刚才说这种思路“对一半,错一半”,“对”是对在“重复走会增加费用”,“错”是错在“重复走的对象不是某一条路,而是某一个环路”。在同一个环路重复走才会真正增加费用。但是标记环路是很麻烦的,那么能不能根据某一条路或某一个城市重复走过的次数来判断当前所走的方案已经出现了环路? 答案是可以的。

       上述的例子已经验证过了,同一条路可以重复走,但是不能无限重复走,重复的次数是有限的。那么应该重复多少次才合理?这与m值有关。题目的m值范围为<=10,那么当人一个城市被到达的次数若  >3次(不包括3),所走的方案必然出现了环路(网上的同学称之为“闸数”)。


 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <stdio.h>
 3 #include <string.h>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 int N,m;
 6 struct node
 7 {
 8     int a,b;
 9     int ci,pi,ri;
10 }map[20];
11 int minS;
12 int flag[11];
13 void dfs(int pos,int res)
14 {
15     if(pos==N)
16     {
17         if(res<minS)
18         {
19             minS=res;
20         }
21         return;
22     }
23     int i;
24     for(i=1;i<=m;i++)
25     {
26         if(pos==map[i].a && flag[map[i].b]<=3)
27         {
28             int b=map[i].b;
29             flag[b]++;
31             if(flag[map[i].ci])
32             {
33                 dfs(b,res+map[i].pi);
34             }
35             else
36             {
37                 dfs(b,res+map[i].ri);
38             }
39             flag[b]--;
40         }
41     }
42     return;
43 }
44 int main()
45 {
46     while(~scanf("%d%d",&N,&m))
47     {
48         int i;
49         for(i=1;i<=m;i++)
50         {
51             int a,b,c,d,e;
52             scanf("%d%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d,&e);
53             map[i].a=a;
54             map[i].b=b;
55             map[i].ci=c;
56             map[i].pi=d;
57             map[i].ri=e;
58         }
59         minS=0xfffffff;
60         memset(flag,0,sizeof(flag));
61         flag[1]=1;
62         dfs(1,0);
63         if(minS==0xfffffff)
64         {
65             printf("impossible\n");
66         }
67         else
68         {
69             printf("%d\n",minS);
70         }
71     }
72     return 0;
73 }
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posted @ 2013-06-10 21:15  欧阳生朵  阅读(517)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报