Note about the localizeable variables in you applications

I have just meet a problem that  spend  me nearly two hours to solve it last weekend. And during the two hours tracing i find the cause of this problem at last. The cause is that a DateTime object will translated in the same format as the customer's pc and not the standard format! So i write this post to avoid the same problem in the future!


I called this problem as Custom-Mode Problem in compare with Debug-Mode problem, you can trace and place every error in you code quikly in the Debug-Mode,but it seems not easy to find where the error was occured and which cause the error. Especially there was nothing error while debuging  but when you install your application in the custom computer the errors occured! 


I want to do a batch insert operation in my application , i use oracle as the database, the batch insert operation was nothing special and it's ok in my computer in Custom-Mode and Debug-Mode,but it goes error in another computer,i trace  the insert sql scripts and find the standard date format was converted to the custom computer's date format.


My Computer  DateTime Format :2008-08-01 12:32:25

Custom Compuer DateTime Format: 2008-08-01 PM 12:32:25


so this custom datetime object cuased a oracle insert error and the batch insert operation was aborted!

posted @ 2008-09-08 16:24  Async Liu  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报