COScopeCtrl Class Reference

#include <OScopeCtrl.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class describes a control that graphically displays numerical information similar to an oscilloscope.

This class is written by Mark C. Malburg. It is available under the Code Project Open License.

Definition at line 16 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Public Member Functions

void  AppendMessage (const std::string &message)
  Appends a message onto display.
double  AppendPoint (double dNewPoint, ULONG count)
  Appends a new point with a counter.
double  AppendPoint (double dNewPoint)
  Appends a new point.
  COScopeCtrl ()
virtual BOOL  Create (DWORD dwStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID=NULL)
  Creates a Windows child window and attaches it to the CWnd object.
void  DrawPoint (ULONG)
void  DrawPoint ()
  Draws display point.
void  InvalidateCtrl ()
  Invalidates display region.
void  Reset ()
  Resets display.
void  SetBackgroundColor (COLORREF color)
  Sets display's background color.
void  SetGridColor (COLORREF color)
  Sets display's grid color.
void  SetPlotColor (COLORREF color)
  Sets display's plot color.
void  SetRange (double dLower, double dUpper, int nDecimalPlaces=1)
  Sets display range.
void  SetXUnits (CString string)
  Sets display x unit.
void  SetYUnits (CString string)
  Sets display y unit.
virtual  ~COScopeCtrl ()

Public Attributes

COLORREF  m_crBackColor
  Background color.
COLORREF  m_crGridColor
  Grid color.
COLORREF  m_crPlotColor
  Data color.
double  m_dCurrentPosition
  Current position.
double  m_dPreviousPosition
  Previous position.
int  m_nShiftPixels
  Amount to shift with each new point.
int  m_nYDecimals
  Decimal range for Y values.
CString  m_strXUnitsString
  X units.
CString  m_strYUnitsString
  Y units.

Protected Member Functions

afx_msg void  OnPaint ()
  Called by framework to repaint window.
afx_msg void  OnSize (UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
  Called by framework after window's size has changed.

Protected Attributes

CBitmap  m_bitmapGrid
CBitmap  m_bitmapPlot
CBrush  m_brushBack
CDC  m_dcGrid
CDC  m_dcPlot
double  m_dLowerLimit
  Lower bounds.
double  m_dRange
double  m_dUpperLimit
  Upper bounds.
double  m_dVerticalFactor
int  m_nClientHeight
int  m_nClientWidth
int  m_nHalfShiftPixels
int  m_nPlotHeight
int  m_nPlotShiftPixels
int  m_nPlotWidth
CBitmap *  m_pbitmapOldGrid
CBitmap *  m_pbitmapOldPlot
CPen  m_penPlot
CRect  m_rectClient
CRect  m_rectPlot

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

COScopeCtrl::COScopeCtrl (


Definition at line 16 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_brushBack, m_crBackColor, m_crGridColor, m_crPlotColor, m_dLowerLimit, m_dPreviousPosition, m_dRange, m_dUpperLimit, m_nHalfShiftPixels, m_nPlotShiftPixels, m_nShiftPixels, m_nYDecimals, m_pbitmapOldGrid, m_pbitmapOldPlot, m_penPlot, m_strXUnitsString, and m_strYUnitsString.

00017 {
00018     // since plotting is based on a LineTo for each new point
00019     // we need a starting point (i.e. a "previous" point)
00020     // use 0.0 as the default first point.
00021     // these are public member variables, and can be changed outside
00022     // (after construction).  Therefore m_perviousPosition could be set to
00023     // a more appropriate value prior to the first call to SetPosition.
00024     m_dPreviousPosition =   0.0 ;
00026     // public variable for the number of decimal places on the y axis
00027     m_nYDecimals = 3 ;
00029     // set some initial values for the scaling until "SetRange" is called.
00030     // these are protected varaibles and must be set with SetRange
00031     // in order to ensure that m_dRange is updated accordingly
00032     m_dLowerLimit = -10.0 ;
00033     m_dUpperLimit =  10.0 ;
00034     m_dRange      =  m_dUpperLimit - m_dLowerLimit ;   // protected member variable
00036     // m_nShiftPixels determines how much the plot shifts (in terms of pixels) 
00037     // with the addition of a new data point
00038     m_nShiftPixels     = 4 ;
00039     m_nHalfShiftPixels = m_nShiftPixels/2 ;                     // protected
00040     m_nPlotShiftPixels = m_nShiftPixels + m_nHalfShiftPixels ;  // protected
00042     // background, grid and data colors
00043     // these are public variables and can be set directly
00044     m_crBackColor  = RGB(  0,   0,   0) ;  // see also SetBackgroundColor
00045     m_crGridColor  = RGB(  0, 255, 255) ;  // see also SetGridColor
00046     m_crPlotColor  = RGB(255, 255, 255) ;  // see also SetPlotColor
00048     // protected variables
00049     m_penPlot.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, m_crPlotColor) ;
00050     m_brushBack.CreateSolidBrush(m_crBackColor) ;
00052     // public member variables, can be set directly 
00053     m_strXUnitsString.Format(_T("Samples")) ;  // can also be set with SetXUnits
00054     m_strYUnitsString.Format(_T("Y units")) ;  // can also be set with SetYUnits
00056     // protected bitmaps to restore the memory DC's
00057     m_pbitmapOldGrid = NULL ;
00058     m_pbitmapOldPlot = NULL ;
00060 }  // COScopeCtrl

COScopeCtrl::~COScopeCtrl (
 )  [virtual]


Definition at line 63 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_dcGrid, m_dcPlot, m_pbitmapOldGrid, and m_pbitmapOldPlot.

00064 {
00065     // just to be picky restore the bitmaps for the two memory dc's
00066     // (these dc's are being destroyed so there shouldn't be any leaks)
00067     if (m_pbitmapOldGrid != NULL)
00068         m_dcGrid.SelectObject(m_pbitmapOldGrid) ;  
00069     if (m_pbitmapOldPlot != NULL)
00070         m_dcPlot.SelectObject(m_pbitmapOldPlot) ;  
00072 } // ~COScopeCtrl

Member Function Documentation

void COScopeCtrl::AppendMessage ( const std::string &  message  ) 

Appends a message onto display.

Definition at line 548 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_dcGrid, and m_dcPlot.

00549 {
00551     if (m_dcPlot.GetSafeHdc() != NULL)
00552     {
00553         CString csTemp( message.c_str() );
00554         m_dcGrid.TextOut( 530, 430, csTemp.GetBuffer() );
00555     }
00556 }

double COScopeCtrl::AppendPoint ( double  dNewPoint,

ULONG  count  


Appends a new point with a counter.

Definition at line 344 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References DrawPoint(), and m_dCurrentPosition.

00345 {
00346     // append a data point to the plot
00347     // return the previous point
00349     double dPrevious ;
00351     dPrevious = m_dCurrentPosition ;
00352     m_dCurrentPosition = dNewPoint ;
00353     DrawPoint( counter ) ;
00355     Invalidate() ;
00357     return dPrevious ;
00359 } // AppendPoint

double COScopeCtrl::AppendPoint ( double  dNewPoint  ) 

Appends a new point.

Definition at line 325 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References DrawPoint(), and m_dCurrentPosition.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnTimer().

00326 {
00327     // append a data point to the plot
00328     // return the previous point
00330     double dPrevious ;
00332     dPrevious = m_dCurrentPosition ;
00333     m_dCurrentPosition = dNewPoint ;
00334     DrawPoint() ;
00336     Invalidate() ;
00338     return dPrevious ;
00340 } // AppendPoint

BOOL COScopeCtrl::Create ( DWORD  dwStyle,

const RECT &  rect,

CWnd *  pParentWnd,




Creates a Windows child window and attaches it to the CWnd object.

Definition at line 88 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl().

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00090 {
00091     BOOL result ;
00092     static CString className = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW) ;
00094     result = CWnd::CreateEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_STATICEDGE, 
00095                           className, NULL, dwStyle, 
00096                           rect.left,, rect.right-rect.left,,
00097                           pParentWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), (HMENU)nID) ;
00098     if (result != 0)
00099         InvalidateCtrl() ;
00101     return result ;
00103 } // Create

void COScopeCtrl::DrawPoint ( ULONG  counter  ) 

Definition at line 472 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_brushBack, m_dcGrid, m_dcPlot, m_dCurrentPosition, m_dLowerLimit, m_dPreviousPosition, m_dVerticalFactor, m_nHalfShiftPixels, m_nPlotHeight, m_nPlotShiftPixels, m_nPlotWidth, m_nShiftPixels, m_penPlot, m_rectClient, and m_rectPlot.

00473 {
00474     // this does the work of "scrolling" the plot to the left
00475     // and appending a new data point all of the plotting is 
00476     // directed to the memory based bitmap associated with m_dcPlot
00477     // the will subsequently be BitBlt'd to the client in OnPaint
00479     int currX, prevX, currY, prevY ;
00481     CPen *oldPen ;
00482     CRect rectCleanUp ;
00484     if (m_dcPlot.GetSafeHdc() != NULL)
00485     {
00486         // shift the plot by BitBlt'ing it to itself 
00487         // note: the m_dcPlot covers the entire client
00488         //       but we only shift bitmap that is the size 
00489         //       of the plot rectangle
00490         // grab the right side of the plot (exluding m_nShiftPixels on the left)
00491         // move this grabbed bitmap to the left by m_nShiftPixels
00493         m_dcPlot.BitBlt(m_rectPlot.left,, 
00494                         m_nPlotWidth, m_nPlotHeight, &m_dcPlot, 
00495                         m_rectPlot.left+m_nShiftPixels,, 
00496                         SRCCOPY) ;
00498         // establish a rectangle over the right side of plot
00499         // which now needs to be cleaned up proir to adding the new point
00500         rectCleanUp = m_rectPlot ;
00501         rectCleanUp.left  = rectCleanUp.right - m_nShiftPixels ;
00503         // fill the cleanup area with the background
00504         m_dcPlot.FillRect(rectCleanUp, &m_brushBack) ;
00506         // draw the next line segement
00508         // grab the plotting pen
00509         oldPen = m_dcPlot.SelectObject(&m_penPlot) ;
00511         // move to the previous point
00512         prevX = m_rectPlot.right-m_nPlotShiftPixels ;
00513         prevY = m_rectPlot.bottom - 
00514                 (long)((m_dPreviousPosition - m_dLowerLimit) * m_dVerticalFactor) ;
00515         m_dcPlot.MoveTo (prevX, prevY) ;
00517         // draw to the current point
00518         currX = m_rectPlot.right-m_nHalfShiftPixels ;
00519         currY = m_rectPlot.bottom -
00520                 (long)((m_dCurrentPosition - m_dLowerLimit) * m_dVerticalFactor) ;
00521         m_dcPlot.LineTo (currX, currY) ;
00523         // restore the pen 
00524         m_dcPlot.SelectObject(oldPen) ;
00526         // if the data leaks over the upper or lower plot boundaries
00527         // fill the upper and lower leakage with the background
00528         // this will facilitate clipping on an as needed basis
00529         // as opposed to always calling IntersectClipRect
00530         if ((prevY <= || (currY <=
00531             m_dcPlot.FillRect(CRect(prevX,, currX+1,, &m_brushBack) ;
00533         if ((prevY >= m_rectPlot.bottom) || (currY >= m_rectPlot.bottom))
00534             m_dcPlot.FillRect(CRect(prevX, m_rectPlot.bottom+1, currX+1, m_rectClient.bottom+1), &m_brushBack) ;
00536         // store the current point for connection to the next point
00537         m_dPreviousPosition = m_dCurrentPosition ;
00539         CString csTemp;
00540         csTemp.Format(_T("Samples : %7d"), counter );
00541         m_dcGrid.TextOut( 530, 430, csTemp.GetBuffer() );
00542     }
00544 } // end DrawPoint

void COScopeCtrl::DrawPoint (

Draws display point.

Definition at line 398 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_brushBack, m_dcPlot, m_dCurrentPosition, m_dLowerLimit, m_dPreviousPosition, m_dVerticalFactor, m_nHalfShiftPixels, m_nPlotHeight, m_nPlotShiftPixels, m_nPlotWidth, m_nShiftPixels, m_penPlot, m_rectClient, and m_rectPlot.

Referenced by AppendPoint().

00399 {
00400     // this does the work of "scrolling" the plot to the left
00401     // and appending a new data point all of the plotting is 
00402     // directed to the memory based bitmap associated with m_dcPlot
00403     // the will subsequently be BitBlt'd to the client in OnPaint
00405     int currX, prevX, currY, prevY ;
00407     CPen *oldPen ;
00408     CRect rectCleanUp ;
00410     if (m_dcPlot.GetSafeHdc() != NULL)
00411     {
00412         // shift the plot by BitBlt'ing it to itself 
00413         // note: the m_dcPlot covers the entire client
00414         //       but we only shift bitmap that is the size 
00415         //       of the plot rectangle
00416         // grab the right side of the plot (exluding m_nShiftPixels on the left)
00417         // move this grabbed bitmap to the left by m_nShiftPixels
00419         m_dcPlot.BitBlt(m_rectPlot.left,, 
00420                         m_nPlotWidth, m_nPlotHeight, &m_dcPlot, 
00421                         m_rectPlot.left+m_nShiftPixels,, 
00422                         SRCCOPY) ;
00424         // establish a rectangle over the right side of plot
00425         // which now needs to be cleaned up proir to adding the new point
00426         rectCleanUp = m_rectPlot ;
00427         rectCleanUp.left  = rectCleanUp.right - m_nShiftPixels ;
00429         // fill the cleanup area with the background
00430         m_dcPlot.FillRect(rectCleanUp, &m_brushBack) ;
00432         // draw the next line segement
00434         // grab the plotting pen
00435         oldPen = m_dcPlot.SelectObject(&m_penPlot) ;
00437         // move to the previous point
00438         prevX = m_rectPlot.right-m_nPlotShiftPixels ;
00439         prevY = m_rectPlot.bottom - 
00440                 (long)((m_dPreviousPosition - m_dLowerLimit) * m_dVerticalFactor) ;
00441         m_dcPlot.MoveTo (prevX, prevY) ;
00443         // draw to the current point
00444         currX = m_rectPlot.right-m_nHalfShiftPixels ;
00445         currY = m_rectPlot.bottom -
00446                 (long)((m_dCurrentPosition - m_dLowerLimit) * m_dVerticalFactor) ;
00447         m_dcPlot.LineTo (currX, currY) ;
00449         // restore the pen 
00450         m_dcPlot.SelectObject(oldPen) ;
00452         // if the data leaks over the upper or lower plot boundaries
00453         // fill the upper and lower leakage with the background
00454         // this will facilitate clipping on an as needed basis
00455         // as opposed to always calling IntersectClipRect
00456         if ((prevY <= || (currY <=
00457             m_dcPlot.FillRect(CRect(prevX,, currX+1,, &m_brushBack) ;
00459         if ((prevY >= m_rectPlot.bottom) || (currY >= m_rectPlot.bottom))
00460             m_dcPlot.FillRect(CRect(prevX, m_rectPlot.bottom+1, currX+1, m_rectClient.bottom+1), &m_brushBack) ;
00462         // store the current point for connection to the next point
00463         m_dPreviousPosition = m_dCurrentPosition ;
00464     }
00466 } // end DrawPoint

void COScopeCtrl::InvalidateCtrl (

Invalidates display region.

Definition at line 181 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_bitmapGrid, m_bitmapPlot, m_brushBack, m_crBackColor, m_crGridColor, m_dcGrid, m_dcPlot, m_dLowerLimit, m_dUpperLimit, m_nClientHeight, m_nClientWidth, m_nPlotHeight, m_nPlotWidth, m_nShiftPixels, m_nYDecimals, m_pbitmapOldGrid, m_pbitmapOldPlot, m_rectClient, m_rectPlot, m_strXUnitsString, and m_strYUnitsString.

Referenced by Create(), Reset(), SetBackgroundColor(), SetGridColor(), SetPlotColor(), SetRange(), SetXUnits(), and SetYUnits().

00182 {
00183     // There is a lot of drawing going on here - particularly in terms of 
00184     // drawing the grid.  Don't panic, this is all being drawn (only once)
00185     // to a bitmap.  The result is then BitBlt'd to the control whenever needed.
00186     int i ;
00187     int nCharacters ;
00188     int nTopGridPix, nMidGridPix, nBottomGridPix ;
00190     CPen *oldPen ;
00191     CPen solidPen(PS_SOLID, 0, m_crGridColor) ;
00192     CFont axisFont, yUnitFont, *oldFont ;
00193     CString strTemp ;
00195     // in case we haven't established the memory dc's
00196     CClientDC dc(this) ;  
00198     // if we don't have one yet, set up a memory dc for the grid
00199     if (m_dcGrid.GetSafeHdc() == NULL)
00200     {
00201         m_dcGrid.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc) ;
00202         m_bitmapGrid.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight) ;
00203         m_pbitmapOldGrid = m_dcGrid.SelectObject(&m_bitmapGrid) ;
00204     }
00206     m_dcGrid.SetBkColor (m_crBackColor) ;
00208     // fill the grid background
00209     m_dcGrid.FillRect(m_rectClient, &m_brushBack) ;
00211     // draw the plot rectangle:
00212     // determine how wide the y axis scaling values are
00213     nCharacters = abs((int)log10(fabs(m_dUpperLimit))) ;
00214     nCharacters = max(nCharacters, abs((int)log10(fabs(m_dLowerLimit)))) ;
00216     // add the units digit, decimal point and a minus sign, and an extra space
00217     // as well as the number of decimal places to display
00218     nCharacters = nCharacters + 4 + m_nYDecimals ;  
00220     // adjust the plot rectangle dimensions
00221     // assume 6 pixels per character (this may need to be adjusted)
00222     m_rectPlot.left = m_rectClient.left + 6*(nCharacters) ;
00223     m_nPlotWidth    = m_rectPlot.Width() ;
00225     // draw the plot rectangle
00226     oldPen = m_dcGrid.SelectObject (&solidPen) ; 
00227     m_dcGrid.MoveTo (m_rectPlot.left, ;
00228     m_dcGrid.LineTo (m_rectPlot.right+1, ;
00229     m_dcGrid.LineTo (m_rectPlot.right+1, m_rectPlot.bottom+1) ;
00230     m_dcGrid.LineTo (m_rectPlot.left, m_rectPlot.bottom+1) ;
00231     m_dcGrid.LineTo (m_rectPlot.left, ;
00232     m_dcGrid.SelectObject (oldPen) ; 
00234     // draw the dotted lines, 
00235     // use SetPixel instead of a dotted pen - this allows for a 
00236     // finer dotted line and a more "technical" look
00237     nMidGridPix    = ( + m_rectPlot.bottom)/2 ;
00238     nTopGridPix    = nMidGridPix - m_nPlotHeight/4 ;
00239     nBottomGridPix = nMidGridPix + m_nPlotHeight/4 ;
00241     for (i=m_rectPlot.left; i<m_rectPlot.right; i+=4)
00242     {
00243         m_dcGrid.SetPixel (i, nTopGridPix,    m_crGridColor) ;
00244         m_dcGrid.SetPixel (i, nMidGridPix,    m_crGridColor) ;
00245         m_dcGrid.SetPixel (i, nBottomGridPix, m_crGridColor) ;
00246     }
00248     // create some fonts (horizontal and vertical)
00249     // use a height of 14 pixels and 300 weight 
00250     // (these may need to be adjusted depending on the display)
00251     axisFont.CreateFont (14, 0, 0, 0, 300,
00252                        FALSE, FALSE, 0, ANSI_CHARSET,
00253                        OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, 
00254                        CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
00255                        DEFAULT_QUALITY, 
00256                        DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_SWISS, _T("Arial")) ;
00257     yUnitFont.CreateFont (14, 0, 900, 0, 300,
00258                        FALSE, FALSE, 0, ANSI_CHARSET,
00259                        OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, 
00260                        CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,
00261                        DEFAULT_QUALITY, 
00262                        DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_SWISS, _T("Arial")) ;
00264     // grab the horizontal font
00265     oldFont = m_dcGrid.SelectObject(&axisFont) ;
00267     // y max
00268     m_dcGrid.SetTextColor (m_crGridColor) ;
00269     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_RIGHT|TA_TOP) ;
00270     strTemp.Format (_T("%.*lf"), m_nYDecimals, m_dUpperLimit) ;
00271     m_dcGrid.TextOut (m_rectPlot.left-4,, strTemp) ;
00273     // y min
00274     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_RIGHT|TA_BASELINE) ;
00275     strTemp.Format (_T("%.*lf"), m_nYDecimals, m_dLowerLimit) ;
00276     m_dcGrid.TextOut (m_rectPlot.left-4, m_rectPlot.bottom, strTemp) ;
00278     // x min
00279     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_LEFT|TA_TOP) ;
00280     m_dcGrid.TextOut (m_rectPlot.left, m_rectPlot.bottom+4, _T("0")) ;
00282     // x max
00283     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_RIGHT|TA_TOP) ;
00284     strTemp.Format (_T("%d"), m_nPlotWidth/m_nShiftPixels) ; 
00285     m_dcGrid.TextOut (m_rectPlot.right, m_rectPlot.bottom+4, strTemp) ;
00287     // x units
00288     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_CENTER|TA_TOP) ;
00289     m_dcGrid.TextOut ((m_rectPlot.left+m_rectPlot.right)/2, 
00290                     m_rectPlot.bottom+4, m_strXUnitsString) ;
00293     // restore the font
00294     m_dcGrid.SelectObject(oldFont) ;
00296     // y units
00297     oldFont = m_dcGrid.SelectObject(&yUnitFont) ;
00298     m_dcGrid.SetTextAlign (TA_CENTER|TA_BASELINE) ;
00299     m_dcGrid.TextOut ((m_rectClient.left+m_rectPlot.left)/2, 
00300                     (, m_strYUnitsString) ;
00301     m_dcGrid.SelectObject(oldFont) ;
00303     // at this point we are done filling the the grid bitmap, 
00304     // no more drawing to this bitmap is needed until the setting are changed
00306     // if we don't have one yet, set up a memory dc for the plot
00307     if (m_dcPlot.GetSafeHdc() == NULL)
00308     {
00309         m_dcPlot.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc) ;
00310         m_bitmapPlot.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight) ;
00311         m_pbitmapOldPlot = m_dcPlot.SelectObject(&m_bitmapPlot) ;
00312     }
00314     // make sure the plot bitmap is cleared
00315     m_dcPlot.SetBkColor (m_crBackColor) ;
00316     m_dcPlot.FillRect(m_rectClient, &m_brushBack) ;
00318     // finally, force the plot area to redraw
00319     InvalidateRect(m_rectClient) ;
00321 } // InvalidateCtrl

void COScopeCtrl::OnPaint (
 )  [protected]

Called by framework to repaint window.

Definition at line 363 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_dcGrid, m_dcPlot, m_nClientHeight, and m_nClientWidth.

00364 {
00365     CPaintDC dc(this) ;  // device context for painting
00366     CDC memDC ;
00367     CBitmap memBitmap ;
00368     CBitmap* oldBitmap ; // bitmap originally found in CMemDC
00370     // no real plotting work is performed here, 
00371     // just putting the existing bitmaps on the client
00373     // to avoid flicker, establish a memory dc, draw to it 
00374     // and then BitBlt it to the client
00375     memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc) ;
00376     memBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight) ;
00377     oldBitmap = (CBitmap *)memDC.SelectObject(&memBitmap) ;
00379     if (memDC.GetSafeHdc() != NULL)
00380     {
00381         // first drop the grid on the memory dc
00382         memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight, 
00383                      &m_dcGrid, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ;
00384         // now add the plot on top as a "pattern" via SRCPAINT.
00385         // works well with dark background and a light plot
00386         memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight, 
00387                      &m_dcPlot, 0, 0, SRCPAINT) ;  //SRCPAINT
00388         // finally send the result to the display
00389         dc.BitBlt(0, 0, m_nClientWidth, m_nClientHeight, 
00390                   &memDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ;
00391     }
00393     memDC.SelectObject(oldBitmap) ;
00395 } // OnPaint

void COScopeCtrl::OnSize ( UINT  nType,

int  cx,

int  cy  



Called by framework after window's size has changed.

Definition at line 561 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References m_dRange, m_dVerticalFactor, m_nClientHeight, m_nClientWidth, m_nPlotHeight, m_nPlotWidth, m_rectClient, and m_rectPlot.

00562 {
00563     CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy) ;
00565     // NOTE: OnSize automatically gets called during the setup of the control
00567     GetClientRect(m_rectClient) ;
00569     // set some member variables to avoid multiple function calls
00570     m_nClientHeight = m_rectClient.Height() ;
00571     m_nClientWidth  = m_rectClient.Width() ;
00573     // the "left" coordinate and "width" will be modified in 
00574     // InvalidateCtrl to be based on the width of the y axis scaling
00575     m_rectPlot.left   = 20 ;  
00576    = 10 ;
00577     m_rectPlot.right  = m_rectClient.right-10 ;
00578     m_rectPlot.bottom = m_rectClient.bottom-25 ;
00580     // set some member variables to avoid multiple function calls
00581     m_nPlotHeight = m_rectPlot.Height() ;
00582     m_nPlotWidth  = m_rectPlot.Width() ;
00584     // set the scaling factor for now, this can be adjusted 
00585     // in the SetRange functions
00586     m_dVerticalFactor = (double)m_nPlotHeight / m_dRange ; 
00588 } // OnSize

void COScopeCtrl::Reset (

Resets display.

Definition at line 592 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl().

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnBnClickedStartButton().

00593 {
00594     // to clear the existing data (in the form of a bitmap)
00595     // simply invalidate the entire control
00596     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00597 }

void COScopeCtrl::SetBackgroundColor ( COLORREF  color  ) 

Sets display's background color.

Definition at line 168 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), m_brushBack, and m_crBackColor.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00169 {
00170     m_crBackColor = color ;
00172     m_brushBack.DeleteObject() ;
00173     m_brushBack.CreateSolidBrush(m_crBackColor) ;
00175     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00176     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00178 }  // SetBackgroundColor

void COScopeCtrl::SetGridColor ( COLORREF  color  ) 

Sets display's grid color.

Definition at line 143 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), and m_crGridColor.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00144 {
00145     m_crGridColor = color ;
00147     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00148     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00150 }  // SetGridColor

void COScopeCtrl::SetPlotColor ( COLORREF  color  ) 

Sets display's plot color.

Definition at line 154 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), m_crPlotColor, and m_penPlot.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00155 {
00156     m_crPlotColor = color ;
00158     m_penPlot.DeleteObject() ;
00159     m_penPlot.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, m_crPlotColor) ;
00161     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00162     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00164 }  // SetPlotColor

void COScopeCtrl::SetRange ( double  dLower,

double  dUpper,

int  nDecimalPlaces = 1  


Sets display range.

Definition at line 106 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), m_dLowerLimit, m_dRange, m_dUpperLimit, m_dVerticalFactor, m_nPlotHeight, and m_nYDecimals.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00107 {
00108     ASSERT(dUpper > dLower) ;
00110     m_dLowerLimit     = dLower ;
00111     m_dUpperLimit     = dUpper ;
00112     m_nYDecimals      = nDecimalPlaces ;
00113     m_dRange          = m_dUpperLimit - m_dLowerLimit ;
00114     m_dVerticalFactor = (double)m_nPlotHeight / m_dRange ; 
00116     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00117     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00119 }  // SetRange

void COScopeCtrl::SetXUnits ( CString  string  ) 

Sets display x unit.

Definition at line 123 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), and m_strXUnitsString.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00124 {
00125     m_strXUnitsString = string ;
00127     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00128     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00130 }  // SetXUnits

void COScopeCtrl::SetYUnits ( CString  string  ) 

Sets display y unit.

Definition at line 133 of file OScopeCtrl.cpp.

References InvalidateCtrl(), and m_strYUnitsString.

Referenced by AutoCorrFormView::OnInitialUpdate().

00134 {
00135     m_strYUnitsString = string ;
00137     // clear out the existing garbage, re-start with a clean plot
00138     InvalidateCtrl() ;
00140 }  // SetYUnits

Member Data Documentation

CBitmap COScopeCtrl::m_bitmapGrid [protected]

Definition at line 114 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by InvalidateCtrl().

CBitmap COScopeCtrl::m_bitmapPlot [protected]

Definition at line 115 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by InvalidateCtrl().

CBrush COScopeCtrl::m_brushBack [protected]

Definition at line 108 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetBackgroundColor().

COLORREF COScopeCtrl::m_crBackColor

Background color.

Definition at line 68 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetBackgroundColor().

COLORREF COScopeCtrl::m_crGridColor

Grid color.

Definition at line 70 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetGridColor().

COLORREF COScopeCtrl::m_crPlotColor

Data color.

Definition at line 72 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), and SetPlotColor().

CDC COScopeCtrl::m_dcGrid [protected]

Definition at line 110 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by AppendMessage(), DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), OnPaint(), and ~COScopeCtrl().

CDC COScopeCtrl::m_dcPlot [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by AppendMessage(), DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), OnPaint(), and ~COScopeCtrl().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dCurrentPosition

Current position.

Definition at line 74 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by AppendPoint(), and DrawPoint().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dLowerLimit [protected]

Lower bounds.

Definition at line 99 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetRange().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dPreviousPosition

Previous position.

Definition at line 76 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), and DrawPoint().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dRange [protected]

Definition at line 102 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), OnSize(), and SetRange().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dUpperLimit [protected]

Upper bounds.

Definition at line 101 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetRange().

double COScopeCtrl::m_dVerticalFactor [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by DrawPoint(), OnSize(), and SetRange().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nClientHeight [protected]

Definition at line 93 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by InvalidateCtrl(), OnPaint(), and OnSize().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nClientWidth [protected]

Definition at line 94 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by InvalidateCtrl(), OnPaint(), and OnSize().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nHalfShiftPixels [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), and DrawPoint().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nPlotHeight [protected]

Definition at line 95 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), OnSize(), and SetRange().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nPlotShiftPixels [protected]

Definition at line 92 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), and DrawPoint().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nPlotWidth [protected]

Definition at line 96 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), and OnSize().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nShiftPixels

Amount to shift with each new point.

Definition at line 60 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), DrawPoint(), and InvalidateCtrl().

int COScopeCtrl::m_nYDecimals

Decimal range for Y values.

Definition at line 62 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetRange().

CBitmap* COScopeCtrl::m_pbitmapOldGrid [protected]

Definition at line 112 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and ~COScopeCtrl().

CBitmap* COScopeCtrl::m_pbitmapOldPlot [protected]

Definition at line 113 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and ~COScopeCtrl().

CPen COScopeCtrl::m_penPlot [protected]

Definition at line 107 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), DrawPoint(), and SetPlotColor().

CRect COScopeCtrl::m_rectClient [protected]

Definition at line 105 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), and OnSize().

CRect COScopeCtrl::m_rectPlot [protected]

Definition at line 106 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by DrawPoint(), InvalidateCtrl(), and OnSize().

CString COScopeCtrl::m_strXUnitsString

X units.

Definition at line 64 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetXUnits().

CString COScopeCtrl::m_strYUnitsString

Y units.

Definition at line 66 of file OScopeCtrl.h.

Referenced by COScopeCtrl(), InvalidateCtrl(), and SetYUnits().

posted on 2011-04-05 12:34  kangwang1988  阅读(889)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报