Moving to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise – A guide for ESRI ArcIMS users

如果你一直在用ESRI ArcIMS,并且有兴趣尝试一下免费的午餐(MapGuide Open Source),这个文档你也许会感兴趣。虽然有些老,虽然说的是MapGuide Enterprise,但对于一直在寻找性价比更高WebGIS解决方案的你,一定很有价值。




This technical white paper serves as a guide to help ESRI® ArcIMS® software users make the transition to Autodesk MapGuide® Enterprise software.
Author:  Alex Fordyce, Online Mapping Solutions



This white paper is for ArcIMS application users who are looking for other web-based GIS (geographic information system) solutions. It provides guidelines to help users migrate an ArcIMS application to MapGuide Open Source or Autodesk MapGuide® Enterprise software. 



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