全栈老司机roadmap笔记--------Bootstrap (level 3)



How can we use  bootstraps to make our lead text stand out more?

.lead class

centering text:

using the .text-*

 in bootstrap front we have a image library

 using icon 

the icon looks so small, as bootstrap set font to 14, we need to override it.

we need to add another css file to override

在新建的css 文件里面,我们要重载icon的大小。所有的icon放在新建的features class里面,所有只要改features class 里面的icon。所以千万注意在css文件 选择features, glyphicon class. It's best practice to specific only you need.


adjust icons


change the style of the ul element


posted @ 2016-10-14 13:30  毛线刷题笔记  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报