SAP CO11; CO11N; CO15的区别

首先我们都已经很熟悉PP里面的backflushing 的动作, backflushing的实质就是系统自动进行扣料 withdrawal(发料 Goods issue) , 而下阶的采购件的预留也会被冲销了。

最后一步的confirmation, 就是我们看到产成品的收货(MvT -101)

Backflushing is automatic accounting (Goods issues - 261 mvt) of material consumed for production, at the time of confirmation. Eg. When a 4 wheeler automobile is rolled out from assy line, 4 wheels & Tyres are deemed to be consumed and issued to production order automatically by way of backflushing by the system.



CO11 ----- 是按Operation 来confirm的,比如一个production order有三个operations,正常来说要confirm三次,(当然你也可以设定只confirm最后一个operation)

CO15 ---- 是for order confirmation,就是按order来confirmation的,一般理解就是,一次confirm一个production order.
C011N 是co11的升级版本, 没有什么区别,可以根据自己的爱好来选择....





posted @ 2013-09-07 23:24  jefflu99  阅读(5520)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报