
AnkhSVN 1.0 RC3使用了Subversion 1.4 RC5的libraries,修复了些BUG,并增加了对VS 2005 web projects的支持。

我曾介绍过安装VS.NET插件AnkhSVN,通过简单配置让其支持.svn和_svn,并其很好的支持web project,有兴趣的,可以看下是否有帮助。

On August 25, 2006, we have released a new release candidate of AnkhSVN linked against the Subversion 1.4 RC5 libraries. This Subversion release candidate fixes a bug in Subversion that was triggered by our "Add Solution To Subversion Repository" command and that caused Visual Studio to crash. Other than that, the only change to Ankh itself is support for VS 2005 web projects in the same command. Previously, they would not be detected and you would get the "The following projects are not under the solution root" message even if said web projects actually were under the solution root.

Download AnkhSVN 1.0 RC3 here.

posted on 2006-09-06 10:27  RubyPDF  阅读(1066)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报