
AMG:Algebraic multigrid mehtod
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
CG: Conjugate Gradient method
CGS: Conjugate Gradient Square mehtod
CHT:Conjugate Heat Transfer
LPT:Lagrangian Partical Tracking
LS:Level Set / Least Square
MRF:Multiple Reference Frame
MULES: Multidimensional Universal Limiter for Explicit Solution
SAS: Scale-Adaptive Simulation
SU(kSU):Service Units = core-hours, 1kSU=1000SU
SST: Shear Stress Transport
swak4Foam: SWiss Army Knife for Foam.(Like that knife it rarely is the best tool for any given task, but sometimes it is more convenient to get it out of your pocket than going to the tool-shed to get the chain-saw。小刀通常不是解决问题的最佳工具,但更方便携带使用)
TKE:Turbulent Kinetic Energy

VoF: Volume of Fraction