1 #include "stdafx.h"
 2 #include "highgui.h"
 3 int main()
 4 {
 5     cvNamedWindow("example",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
 6     CvCapture*  capture=cvCreateFileCapture("test.avi");//load avi file
 7     IplImage* frame;
 8     while(1){
 9         frame=cvQueryFrame(capture);//read the frame
10         if(!frame)break;
11         cvShowImage("example2",frame);
12         char c=cvWaitKey(33);//if you press a key and store it into c 
13         if(c==27)break;//27 present for ESC key
14     }
15     cvReleaseCapture(&capture);
16     cvDestroyWindow("example");
19 }


posted @ 2012-05-29 14:26  Epirus  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报