

select row_number()
over(partition by bldguid order by total)
as rowid,
from p_room
order by bldguid

Avg()的partition by的用法

select avg(total)
over(partition by bldguid)
as avgtotal,
from p_room

 注:分组后再进行order by:partition by bldguid order by total


with orders(order1,order2)
(select orderguid,buguid from s_order)
select *  from orders


with proj1(id,code,fullcode)
select id,code,cast(code as varchar(200)) as fullcode
from proj where parentid is null
union all
select proj.id,proj.code,cast(proj1.fullcode+'.'+proj.code as varchar(200)) as fullcode
from proj  join proj1  on proj.parentid=proj1.id
select * from proj1
order by fullcode


select p_project.projguid,r.roomguid,r.total
from p_project 
outer apply (select top 2 roomguid,total
from p_room where p_room.projguid=
p_project.projguid order by total desc) as r
order by projguid


--传统的行转列:使用sum(case “”  then )  as “”
select userid,
sum(case subname when 'a' 
then score else 0 end) as a,
sum(case subname when 'b' 
then score else 0 end) as b,
sum(case subname when 'c' 
then score else 0 end) as c
from s_sub2user
group by userid


select userid,[a],[b],[c] from 
(select userid,score,subname from s_sub2user)
as s
pivot (sum(score) for subname in ([a],[b],[c]))
as s2


 Insert into select(将select中的数据直接插入表格中)


insert into ins(buguid,value)
select buguid,value from mybusinessunit
cross join instem
where iscompany=1
and buguid<>'11B11DB4-E907-4F1F-8835-B9DAAB6E1F23'


 注:Select 结果集 into 表名 from 表(只能对不存在的表进行操作,不然回报错)

update select


Update biao set 字段 from mybusinessunit where 条件(要求字段中需要唯一)
update bu1
set buname=(select top 1 buname from
mybusinessunit b where b.buguid=bu1.buguid)
update bu1 set bu1.buname=bu.buname
from mybusinessunit bu
where bu1.buguid=bu.buguid






posted @ 2013-12-25 15:07  ps十一郎  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报