

 1 request = function(url, cb, eb) {
 2     var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
 3     xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
 4         if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
 5             if ((xhr.status >=200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304) {
 6                 cb(xhr.responseText);
 7             } else {
 8                 eb(new Error({
 9                     message: xhr.status
10                 }));
11             }
12         }
13     };
14     xhr.open('get', url, true);
15     xhr.send(null);
16 }


 1 //回调函数嵌套过深
 2 request('data1.json', function(data1){
 3     console.log(data1);//处理data1
 4     request('data2.json', function(data2) {
 5         console.log(data2);//处理data2
 6         request('data3.json', function(data3) {
 7             console.log(data3);//处理data3
 9             alert('success');
10         }, function(err) {
11             console.error(err);
12         });
13     }, function(err) {
14         console.error(err);
15     });
16 }, function(err) {
17     console.error(err);
18 });


 1 //并行逻辑串行执行
 2 request('data1', function(data1) {
 3     request('data2', function(data2) {
 4         request('data3', function(data3) {
 5             console.log(data1, data2, data3);//处理全部数据
 7             alert('success');
 8         }, function(err) {
 9             console.error(err);
10         });
11     }, function(err) {
12         console.error(err);
13     });
14 }, function(err) {
15     console.error(err);
16 });




promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. 
The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its then method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise’s eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.跟promise交互的主要方式是通过他的then方法来注册回调函数去接收promise的最终结果值或者是promise不能完成的原因。




  1 Promise = function() {
  2     this.queue = [];
  3     this.value = null;
  4     this.status = 'pending';// pending fulfilled rejected
  5 };
  7 Promise.prototype.getQueue = function() {
  8     return this.queue;
  9 };
 10 Promise.prototype.getStatus = function() {
 11     return this.status;
 12 };
 13 Promise.prototype.setStatus = function(s, value) {
 14     if (s === 'fulfilled' || s === 'rejected') {
 15         this.status = s;
 16         this.value = value || null;
 17         this.queue = [];
 18         var freezeObject = Object.freeze || function(){};
 19         freezeObject(this);// promise的状态是不可逆的
 20     } else {
 21         throw new Error({
 22             message: "doesn't support status: " + s
 23         });
 24     }
 25 };
 26 Promise.prototype.isFulfilled = function() {
 27     return this.status === 'fulfilled';
 28 };
 29 Promise.prototype.isRejected = function() {
 30     return this.status === 'rejected';
 31 }
 32 Promise.prototype.isPending = function() {
 33     return this.status === 'pending';
 34 }
 35 Promise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
 36     var handler = {
 37         'fulfilled': onFulfilled,
 38         'rejected': onRejected
 39     };
 40     handler.deferred = new Deferred();
 42     if (!this.isPending()) {//这里允许先改变promise状态后添加回调
 43         utils.procedure(this.status, handler, this.value);
 44     } else {
 45         this.queue.push(handler);//then may be called multiple times on the same promise;规范2.2.6
 46     }
 47     return handler.deferred.promise;//then must return a promise;规范2.2.7
 48 };
 50 var utils = (function(){
 51     var makeSignaler = function(deferred, type) {
 52         return function(result) {
 53             transition(deferred, type, result);
 54         }
 55     };
 57     var procedure = function(type, handler, result) {
 58         var func = handler[type];
 59         var def = handler.deferred;
 61         if (func) {
 62             try {
 63                 var newResult = func(result);
 64                 if (newResult && typeof newResult.then === 'function') {//thenable
 65                     // 此种写法存在闭包容易造成内存泄露,我们通过高阶函数解决
 66                     // newResult.then(function(data) {
 67                     //     def.resolve(data);
 68                     // }, function(err) {
 69                     //     def.reject(err);
 70                     // });
 71                     //PromiseA+规范,x代表newResult,promise代表def.promise
 72                     //If x is a promise, adopt its state [3.4]:
 73                     //If x is pending, promise must remain pending until x is fulfilled or rejected.
 74                     //If/when x is fulfilled, fulfill promise with the same value.
 75                     //If/when x is rejected, reject promise with the same reason.
 76                     newResult.then(makeSignaler(def, 'fulfilled'), makeSignaler(def, 'rejected'));//此处的本质是利用了异步闭包
 77                 } else {
 78                     transition(def, type, newResult);
 79                 }
 80             } catch(err) {
 81                 transition(def, 'rejected', err);
 82             }
 83         } else {
 84             transition(def, type, result);
 85         }
 86     };
 88     var transition = function(deferred, type, result) {
 89         if (type === 'fulfilled') {
 90             deferred.resolve(result);
 91         } else if (type === 'rejected') {
 92             deferred.reject(result);
 93         } else if (type !== 'pending') {
 94             throw new Error({
 95                 'message': "doesn't support type: " + type
 96             });
 97         }
 98     };
100     return {
101         'procedure': procedure
102     }
103 })();
105 Deferred = function() {
106     this.promise = new Promise();
107 };
109 Deferred.prototype.resolve = function(result) {
110     if (!this.promise.isPending()) {
111         return;
112     }
114     var queue = this.promise.getQueue();
115     for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) {
116         utils.procedure('fulfilled', queue[i], result);
117     }
118     this.promise.setStatus('fulfilled', result);
119 };
121 Deferred.prototype.reject = function(err) {
122     if (!this.promise.isPending()) {
123         return;
124     }
126     var queue = this.promise.getQueue();
127     for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) {
128         utils.procedure('rejected', queue[i], err);
129     }
130     this.promise.setStatus('rejected', err);
131 }


 1 request = function(url) {
 2     var def = new Deferred();
 4     var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
 5     xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
 6         if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
 7             if ((xhr.status >=200 && xhr.status < 300) || xhr.status === 304) {
 8                 def.resolve(xhr.responseText)
 9             } else {//简化ajax,没有提供错误回调
10                 def.reject(new Error({
11                     message: xhr.status
12                 }));
13             }
14         }
15     };
16     xhr.open('get', url, true);
17     xhr.send(null);
19     return def.promise;
20 }
22 request('data1.json').then(function(data1) {
23     console.log(data1);//处理data1
24     return request('data2.json');
25 }).then(function(data2) {
26     console.log(data2);//处理data2
27     return request('data3.json');
28 }, function(err) {
29     console.error(err);
30 }).then(function(data3) {
31     console.log(data3);
32     alert('success');
33 }, function(err) {
34     console.error(err);
35 });


 1 //所有异步操作都完成时,进入完成态,
 2 //其中一项异步操作失败则进入失败态
 3 all = function(requestArray) {
 4     // var some = Array.prototype.some;
 5     var def = new Deferred();
 6     var results = [];
 7     var total = 0;
 8     requestArray.some(function(r, idx) {
 9         //为数组中每一项注册回调函数
10         r.then(function(data) {
11             if (def.promise.isPending()) {
12                 total++;
13                 results[idx] = data;
15                 if (total === requestArray.length) {
16                     def.resolve(results);
17                 }
18             }
19         },  function(err) {
20             def.reject(err);
21         });
22         //如果不是等待状态则停止,比如requestArray[0]失败的话,剩下数组则不用继续注册
23         return !def.promise.isPending();
24     });
26     return def.promise;
27 }
29 all(
30     [request('data1.json'),
31     request('data2.json'),
32     request('data3.json')]
33     ).then(
34         function(results){
35             console.log(results);// 处理data1,data2,data3
36             alert('success');
37     }, function(err) {
38         console.error(err);
39     });


  1 //链式调用
  2 var p1 = new Deferred();
  3 p1.promise.then(function(result) {
  4     console.log('resolve: ', result);
  5     return result;
  6 }, function(err) {
  7     console.log('reject: ', err);
  8     return err;
  9 }).then(function(result) {
 10     console.log('resolve2: ', result);
 11     return result;
 12 }, function(err) {
 13     console.log('reject2: ', err);
 14     return err;
 15 }).then(function(result) {
 16     console.log('resolve3: ', result);
 17     return result;
 18 }, function(err) {
 19     console.log('reject3: ', err);
 20     return err;
 21 });
 22 p1.resolve('success');
 23 //p1.reject('failed');
 24 p1.promise.then(function(result) {
 25     console.log('after resolve: ', result);
 26     return result;
 27 }, function(err) {
 28     console.log('after reject: ', err);
 29     return err;
 30 }).then(function(result) {
 31     console.log('after resolve2: ', result);
 32     return result;
 33 }, function(err) {
 34     console.log('after reject2: ', err);
 35     return err;
 36 }).then(function(result) {
 37     console.log('after resolve2: ', result);
 38     return result;
 39 }, function(err) {
 40     console.log('after reject2: ', err);
 41     return err;
 42 });
 44 //串行异步
 45 var p2 = new Deferred();
 46 p2.promise.then(function(result) {
 47     var def = new Deferred();
 48     setTimeout(function(){
 49         console.log('resolve: ', result);
 50         def.resolve(result);
 51     })
 52     return def.promise;
 53 }, function(err) {
 54     console.log('reject: ', err);
 55     return err;
 56 }).then(function(result) {
 57     var def = new Deferred();
 58     setTimeout(function(){
 59         console.log('resolve2: ', result);
 60         def.reject(result);
 61     })
 62     return def.promise;
 63 }, function(err) {
 64     console.log('reject2: ', err);
 65     return err;
 66 }).then(function(result) {
 67     console.log('resolve3: ', result);
 68     return result;
 69 }, function(err) {
 70     console.log('reject3: ', err);
 71     return err;
 72 });
 73 p2.resolve('success');
 75 //并行异步
 76 var p1 = function(){
 77     var def = new Deferred();
 78     setTimeout(function() {
 79         console.log('p1 success');
 80         def.resolve('p1 success');
 81     }, 20);
 83     return def.promise;
 84 }
 85 var p2 = function(){
 86     var def = new Deferred();
 87     setTimeout(function() {
 88         console.log('p2 failed');
 89         def.reject('p2 failed');
 90     }, 10);
 92     return def.promise;
 93 }
 95 var p3 = function(){
 96     var def = new Deferred();
 97     setTimeout(function() {
 98         console.log('p3 success');
 99         def.resolve('p3 success');
100     }, 15);
102     return def.promise;
103 }
105 all([p1(), p2(), p3()]).then(function(results) {
106     console.log(results);
107 }, function(err) {
108     console.error(err);
109 });
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javascript 异步编程

jQuery 2.0.3 源码分析 Deferred(最细的实现剖析,带图)


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