[Diary]Next week is my birthday!

    Next week is my birthday!
    I will be one years older than the past.
    Time past so fast.
    Sometimes, when I failed, I think, yet, maybe I have time, I am younger than my fellows, give me one year to study then I will be stronger! But now, one year past, I asked myself: am I stronger than yesterday? Or I just stand in the original place? Sometimes, I feel sad, and sometimes I feel lonely. 

    But I know, I should always be happy, be brave, no fear for the futher.

    When I come across a problem, I should try to find a solution rather than just worring about it. I know my weakness, but what is my advantage? How to get together with my friends and my colleague.

    I am not a native of ShangHai. It is a strange city, with a great pressure of life. So I am a  wanderer in the numerous light of the city. Whers is my home and where is my dream?  

    Anyway, I need to be brave! Life is tough, but there must be a way!
posted @ 2006-03-23 20:51  cndebbie  阅读(703)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报