


 1 /**
 2      * This builds the internal runtime configuration used by Xwork for finding and configuring Actions from the
 3      * programmatic configuration data structures. All of the old runtime configuration will be discarded and rebuilt.
 4      *
 5      * <p>
 6      * It basically flattens the data structures to make the information easier to access.  It will take
 7      * an {@link ActionConfig} and combine its data with all inherited dast.  For example, if the {@link ActionConfig}
 8      * is in a package that contains a global result and it also contains a result, the resulting {@link ActionConfig}
 9      * will have two results.
10      */
11     protected synchronized RuntimeConfiguration buildRuntimeConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {
12 Map<String, Map<String, ActionConfig>> namespaceActionConfigs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, ActionConfig>>();
命名空间和这个命名空间的所有的包的默认的action:即通过 <default-action-ref>属性配置的
13 Map<String, String> namespaceConfigs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); 14 15 for (PackageConfig packageConfig : packageContexts.values()) { 16 如果当前的包属于抽象类型(不需要在包内定义action) 17 if (!packageConfig.isAbstract()) {
18 String namespace = packageConfig.getNamespace();
19 Map<String, ActionConfig> configs = namespaceActionConfigs.get(namespace); 20 如果为空,证明刚刚开始初始化,这个命名空间对应的action的map信息,则重新生成一个
           action都加载到了这个map中 21 if (configs == null) { 22 configs = new LinkedHashMap<String, ActionConfig>(); 23 } 24 这个packageConfig.getAllActionConfigs()方法又用到了一个很经典的递归算法,下面对其进行分析 25 Map<String, ActionConfig> actionConfigs = packageConfig.getAllActionConfigs(); 26 这个actionConfig包含了针对该包和包的父亲(祖先,父亲的父亲的父亲等等)的所有的action的配置, 27 for (Object o : actionConfigs.keySet()) { 28 String actionName = (String) o; 29 ActionConfig baseConfig = actionConfigs.get(actionName); 30 configs.put(actionName, buildFullActionConfig(packageConfig, baseConfig)); 31 } 32 33 34 将该命名空间对应的所有存储action配置信息的map放到map映射中, 35 namespaceActionConfigs.put(namespace, configs);
36 if (packageConfig.getFullDefaultActionRef() != null) { 37 namespaceConfigs.put(namespace, packageConfig.getFullDefaultActionRef()); 38 } 39 } 40 } 41 42 return new RuntimeConfigurationImpl(namespaceActionConfigs, namespaceConfigs); 43 }


 1     /**
 2      * returns the Map of all the ActionConfigs available in the current package.
 3      * ActionConfigs defined in ancestor packages will be included in this Map.
 4      *
 5      * @return a Map of ActionConfig Objects with the action name as the key
 6      * @see ActionConfig
 7      */
 8     public Map<String, ActionConfig> getAllActionConfigs() {
 9         Map<String, ActionConfig> retMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ActionConfig>();
10         判断有没有父亲。即是否存在extend属性  
--找到所有的祖先的的actionConfig信息 11 if (!parents.isEmpty()) { 12 for (PackageConfig parent : parents) {
13 retMap.putAll(parent.getAllActionConfigs()); 14 } 15 } 16 --加入当前的包对应的actionConfig信息 17 retMap.putAll(getActionConfigs()); 18 19 return retMap; 20 }


 1   /**
 2      * gets the default action-ref name. If this is not set on this PackageConfig, it searches the parent
 3      * PackageConfigs in order until it finds one.
 4      */
 5     public String getFullDefaultActionRef() {
 6         if ((defaultActionRef == null) && !parents.isEmpty()) {
 7             for (PackageConfig parent : parents) {
8 String parentDefault = parent.getFullDefaultActionRef(); 9 10 if (parentDefault != null) { 11 return parentDefault; 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 return defaultActionRef; 16 }



posted on 2013-02-03 08:22  Coldest Winter  阅读(426)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报