我优化后的部分配置项如下,一个配置文件中只有一个<configs></configs>节点,其中可以包括多个<config></config>节点,每一个<config></config>节点会有一个相对应的实体类与之对应,也就是说一个<config></config>节点就表示一个模块的配置,节点中的name命名为类名、type是类的类型。而<config></config>节点下的众多<property />节点则是当前模块的配置项也是实体类的属性。如下所示IsTestMode就是系统配置模块的一个配置项,这样就很清晰的把配置项分模块管理。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configs> <config name="SystemConfig" description="系统配置" type="ConfigurationCollection.ServerConfig.SystemConfig, ConfigurationCollection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"> <property key="IsTestMode" value="true"/> <property key="TestModeZoneNo" value="93"/> <property key="TestModeOrgId" value="9301"/> <property key="IsVerifyMac" value="false"/> <property key="SessionRecorderInDebugMode" value="true"/> <property key="ServerName" value="AstCoreService1"/> <property key="HistoryDbName" value="FES_AST_H"/> <property key="ExternalDbName" value="IMPORTDATA"/> </config> <config name="IPPConfig" description="IPP配置" type="ConfigurationCollection.ServerConfig.IPPConfig, ConfigurationCollection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"> <property key="RecvMsgUseTestCase" value="false"/> <property key="LocalIPV4Scope" value="10."/> <property key="MainFrameTargetAddress" value=""/> <property key="TcpCommTimeout" value="60000"/> <MainFrameService key="MainFrameService" dslVersion="" Id="c9c64477-70fd-4089-a988-b63600fe663e" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dsltools/TradeDesigner"> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV0" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV1" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV3" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> </MainFrameService> </config> </configs>
实体类的创建,上面说过一个配置模块对应一个实体类,而<property />节点则是当前模块的配置项也就是实体类的属性,这个我定义了静态属性,并且把set设置为private,就是不能让开发人员去修改公共的配置项。如下所示定义了配置文件中第一个<config></config>节点,也就是系统配置的实体类:
public class SystemConfig { public static bool IsTestMode { get; private set; } public static int TestModeZoneNo { get; private set; } public static string TestModeOrgId { get; private set; } public static string IsVerifyMac { get; private set; } public static string SessionRecorderInDebugMode { get; private set; } public static string ServerName { get; private set; } public static string HistoryDbName { get; private set; } public static string ExternalDbName { get; private set; } }
ConfigurationCollection.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(".\\Configs\\ServerConfig.config"));
读取配置文件只是第一步,后面将讲述如何把配置文件转化成对应的实体类。首先读取配置文件后,我会去解析XML,把一个<configs></configs>节点下的多个<config></config>模块分组处理,就拿系统配置(SystemConfig)举例,当解析到SystemConfig模块时,我会去拿<config></config>中的type,然后创建对应的实例,同时分别解析<config></config>节点下的<property />节点,<property />节点的key就是属性名,因此就可以拿上面创建的实例去反射查找当前属性,并得到实体类中当前属性的类型,,<property />节点中的value值即是属性的值,根据反射得到的属性类型,再把value值转换成对应的类型即可(这里的转化可以自定义,自定代码在Util中实现,也可以用.net自带的一些方法转化,例如Parse)。说白了,就是利用.net的反射机制实现。代码片段如下:
private void SetParameter(XmlElement element, object target) { string key = element.GetAttribute(KEY_ATTR); if (key == null || key.Length == 0) { key = element.LocalName; } Type targetType = target.GetType(); Type propertyType = null; PropertyInfo propInfo = null; MethodInfo methInfo = null; propInfo = targetType.GetProperty(key, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Static); if (propInfo != null && propInfo.CanWrite) { propertyType = propInfo.PropertyType; } else { propInfo = null; methInfo = FindMethodInfo(targetType, key); if (methInfo != null) { propertyType = methInfo.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType; } } if (propertyType == null) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Cannot find Property [" + name + "] to set object on [" + target.ToString() + "]"); } else { string propertyValue = null; if (element.GetAttributeNode(VALUE_ATTR) != null) { propertyValue = element.GetAttribute(VALUE_ATTR); } else if (element.HasChildNodes) { // 属性下面还有Node foreach (XmlNode childNode in element.ChildNodes) { if (childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA || childNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { if (propertyValue == null) { propertyValue = childNode.InnerText; } else { propertyValue += childNode.InnerText; } } else { propertyValue = element.OuterXml; } } } if (propertyValue != null) { try { propertyValue = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables(propertyValue, Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables()); } catch (System.Security.SecurityException) { //LogLog.Debug(declaringType, "Security exception while trying to expand environment variables. Error Ignored. No Expansion."); } Type parsedObjectConversionTargetType = null; string subTypeString = element.GetAttribute(TYPE_ATTR); if (subTypeString != null && subTypeString.Length > 0) { try { Type subType = SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString(subTypeString, true, true); if (!propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(subType)) { if (OptionConverter.CanConvertTypeTo(subType, propertyType)) { parsedObjectConversionTargetType = propertyType; propertyType = subType; } else { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "subtype [" + subType.FullName + "] set on [" + name + "] is not a subclass of property type [" + propertyType.FullName + "] and there are no acceptable type conversions."); } } else { propertyType = subType; } } catch (Exception ex) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to find type [" + subTypeString + "] set on [" + name + "]", ex); } } object convertedValue = OptionConverter.ConvertStringTo(propertyType, propertyValue); if (convertedValue != null && parsedObjectConversionTargetType != null) { convertedValue = OptionConverter.ConvertTypeTo(convertedValue, parsedObjectConversionTargetType); } if (convertedValue != null) { if (propInfo != null) { try { propInfo.SetValue(target, convertedValue, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationEx) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to set parameter [" + propInfo.Name + "] on object [" + target + "] using value [" + convertedValue + "]", targetInvocationEx.InnerException); } } else if (methInfo != null) { try { methInfo.Invoke(target, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, new object[] { convertedValue }, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationEx) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to set parameter [" + name + "] on object [" + target + "] using value [" + convertedValue + "]", targetInvocationEx.InnerException); } } } else { //LogLog.Warn(declaringType, "Unable to set property [" + name + "] on object [" + target + "] using value [" + propertyValue + "] (with acceptable conversion types)"); } } else { object createdObject = null; if (propertyType == typeof(string) && !HasAttributesOrElements(element)) { createdObject = ""; } else { Type defaultObjectType = null; if (IsTypeConstructible(propertyType)) { defaultObjectType = propertyType; } createdObject = CreateObjectFromXml(element, defaultObjectType, propertyType); } if (createdObject == null) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to create object to set param: " + name); } else { if (propInfo != null) { try { propInfo.SetValue(target, createdObject, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationEx) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to set parameter [" + propInfo.Name + "] on object [" + target + "] using value [" + createdObject + "]", targetInvocationEx.InnerException); } } else if (methInfo != null) { try { methInfo.Invoke(target, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, new object[] { createdObject }, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (TargetInvocationException targetInvocationEx) { //LogLog.Error(declaringType, "Failed to set parameter [" + methInfo.Name + "] on object [" + target + "] using value [" + createdObject + "]", targetInvocationEx.InnerException); } } } } } }
<MainFrameService key="MainFrameService" dslVersion="" Id="c9c64477-70fd-4089-a988-b63600fe663e" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dsltools/TradeDesigner"> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV0" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV1" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> <Service name="SPD_IPPSRV3" channel="SPDTCP" server="" servicetype=""/> </MainFrameService>
txtIsTestMode.Text = SystemConfig.IsTestMode.ToString();
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // 监听配置文件 ConfigFileWatcher(); // 设置配置文件 SetConfigEnvironment(); } /// <summary> /// 监听配置文件 /// </summary> public void ConfigFileWatcher() { FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Configs\\"; watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite; // 只监控.config文件 watcher.Filter = "*.config"; // 添加事件处理器。 watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged); // 开始监控。 watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } public void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { SetConfigEnvironment(); } public void SetConfigEnvironment() { // 初始化配置文件 ConfigurationCollection.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(new System.IO.FileInfo(".\\Configs\\ServerConfig.config")); }