


  1. 进入cmd
  2. 进入Orchard站点的bin目录
  3. 输入Orchard.exe,回车。


输入help commands可,以查看可用命令


安装完成以后,再次执行help commands命令,你会发现多了很多的命令

orchard> help commands

List of available commands:



blog create /Slug:<slug> /Title:<title> /Owner:<username> [/MenuText:<menu text>]

Creates a new Blog


blog import /Slug:<slug> /FeedUrl:<feed url> /Owner:<username>

Import all items from <feed url> into the blog at the specified <slug>


cultures get site culture

Get culture for the site


cultures list

List site cultures


cultures set site culture <culture-name>

Set culture for the site


feature disable <feature-name-1> ... <feature-name-n>

Disable one or more features


feature enable <feature-name-1> ... <feature-name-n>

Enable one or more features


feature list [/Summary:true|false]

Display list of available features


help <command>

Display help text for <command>


help commands

Display help text for all available commands


package create <extensionName> <path>

Create a package for the extension <extensionName>

(an extension being a module or a theme).

The package will be output at the <path> specified.

The default filename is Orchard.[Module|Theme].<extensionName>.<extensionVersion>.nupkg.

For example, "package create SampleModule c:\temp" will create the package



package install <packageId> <location> /Version:<version>

Install a module or a theme from a package file.


package uninstall <packageId>

Uninstall a module or a theme.

The <packageId> should take the format Orchard.[Module|Theme].<extensionName>.

For example, "package uninstall Orchard.Module.SampleModule" will uninstall the Module under the "~/Modules/SampleModule" directory and

"package uninstall Orchard.Theme.SampleTheme" will uninstall the Theme under the "~/Themes/SampleTheme" directory.


user create /UserName:<username> /Password:<password> /Email:<email>

Creates a new User

可用的命令取决于站点启用的特性。你可以通过"feature list" 或者 "feature list /Summary:true"查看所有特性,也可以通过feature enable <feature-name> 命令启用特性

orchard> feature list /Summary:true

Common, Enabled

Containers, Enabled

Contents, Enabled

Dashboard, Enabled

DatabaseUpdate, Disabled

Feeds, Enabled

Gallery, Enabled

HomePage, Enabled

Lucene, Disabled

Navigation, Enabled

Orchard.ArchiveLater, Disabled

Orchard.Blogs, Enabled

Orchard.Blogs.RemotePublishing, Disabled

Orchard.CodeGeneration, Enabled

Orchard.Comments, Enabled

Orchard.ContentTypes, Enabled

Orchard.Email, Disabled

Orchard.Experimental, Disabled

Orchard.Experimental.TestingLists, Disabled

Orchard.Experimental.WebCommandLine, Disabled

Orchard.Indexing, Disabled

Orchard.jQuery, Enabled

Orchard.Lists, Enabled

Orchard.Localization, Disabled

Orchard.Media, Enabled

Orchard.Messaging, Disabled

Orchard.Migrations, Disabled

Orchard.Modules, Enabled

Orchard.MultiTenancy, Disabled

Orchard.Packaging, Enabled

Orchard.Pages, Enabled

Orchard.PublishLater, Enabled

Orchard.Roles, Enabled

Orchard.Scripting, Enabled

Orchard.Scripting.Dlr, Disabled

Orchard.Scripting.Lightweight, Enabled

Orchard.Search, Disabled

Orchard.Setup, Disabled

Orchard.Tags, Enabled

Orchard.Themes, Enabled

Orchard.Users, Enabled

Orchard.Widgets, Enabled

PackagingServices, Enabled

Profiling, Disabled

Reports, Enabled

Routable, Enabled

SafeMode, Disabled

Scheduling, Enabled

Settings, Enabled

Shapes, Enabled

TheAdmin, Disabled

TheThemeMachine, Enabled

TinyMce, Enabled

XmlRpc, Disabled


这里有两种"Non-interactive" 模式:单行命令和响应文件。




orchard package create "Orchard.Blogs" "c:\\temp\\"



我们创建一个响应文件 myfile.txt,内容如下:

package create "Orchard.Blogs" "c:\\temp\\"

package create "Orchard.Users" "c:\\temp\\"


orchard @myfile.txt


你可以通过继承Orchard.Commands.DefaultOrchardCommandHandler类来创建自己的命令。命令是一个简单的方法,具有CommanName特性,能执行你设定的逻辑。下面的代码创建了一个"hello world"命令,具有一个名称为name的参数和名称为YouRock的可选参数。

[CommandName("hello world")]

[CommandHelp(@"hello world <name> [/YouRock:true|false]

Says hello and whether you rock or not.")]


public void HelloWorld(string name) {

Context.Output.WriteLine(T("Hello {0}.", name ?? "world"));

Context.Output.WriteLine(YouRock ? "You rock." : "You do not rock.");




public bool YouRock { get; set; }




posted @ 2015-08-25 14:43  争世不悔  阅读(234)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报