unity physics相关

With careful positioning and sizing, compound colliders can often approximate the shape of an object quite well
while keeping a low processor overhead. Further flexibility can be gained by having additional colliders on child objects
(eg, boxes can be rotated relative to the local axes of the parent object).When creating a compound collider like this,
there should only be one Rigidbody component, placed on the root object in the hierarchy.
In 3D, you can use Mesh Colliders to match the shape of the object’s mesh exactly.(当组合碰撞盒不好拼时用mesh colliders)
a good general rule is to use mesh colliders for scene geometry and approximate the shape of moving objects using compound primitive colliders.
mesh collider主要用来做场景碰撞盒,游戏中移动的实体应该用组合碰撞盒(其实一个胶囊体碰撞盒也差不多了)
Colliders on an object that does have a Rigidbody are known as dynamic colliders.
Static colliders can interact with dynamic colliders but since they don’t have a Rigidbody, they will not move in response to collisions.
Physics materials:一个physics object在碰撞时由于不同表面属性而不同表现,比如冰面很滑,橡皮很有弹性,这些都可以通过Physics materials设置。
一般每个Collider都有一个Material参数设置Physics materials。
OnCollisionEnter 和 OnTriggerEnter 【需要测试一下rigidbody组件的影响】
Collider发生碰撞时,产生一个碰撞,并且挂在这个碰撞体的脚本的OnCollisionEnter将被调用:OnCollisionEnter (collisionInfo : Collision)
如果这个Collider被设置为trigger:勾选Is Trigger,不产生碰撞,只调用OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)

With normal, non-trigger collisions, there is an additional detail that at least one of the objects involved
must have a non-kinematic Rigidbody (ie, Is Kinematic must be switched off).
If both objects are kinematic Rigidbodies then OnCollisionEnter, etc, will not be called.
With trigger collisions, this restriction doesn’t apply.

带Kinematic rigidbody碰撞盒顾名思义必须来自自身的力量才能让它动,比如代码控制,碰别人正常,被碰一动不动(因为这是物理世界的力量)
官方文档说,不带rigidbody的碰撞体,千万不要让它动,会有问题的的。要动就用挂个Kinematic rigidbody

A Rigidbody component can be switched between normal and kinematic behavior at any time using the IsKinematic property.


posted @ 2017-05-31 00:12  BigTreee  阅读(393)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报