ComponentOne C1Editor 中高亮查找文字

ComponentOne C1Editor 是类似于 MS Word 和 MS FrontPage 文字编辑控件。用户可以使用 C1Editor 接口去搜索文字。所以,通常用户想实现搜索结果
高亮的效果。这篇文章将通过代码介绍怎么使用 C1Editor 搜索并且高亮搜索结果。


            int length = this.c1Editor1.Text.Length;
            string searchString = this.textBox1.Text;
            int searchStringLen = searchString.Length;
            int result = 0;
            if (searchStringLen > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++ )
                    c1Editor1.SelectionStart = c1Editor1.SelectionStart + searchStringLen;
                    if ((i + searchStringLen) <= length)
                        //compare the text searched with the substring of the C1Editor
                        if (c1Editor1.Text.Substring(i, searchStringLen).ToLower() == searchString.ToLower())
                            c1Editor1.Select(i, searchStringLen);
                            //set the backcolor of each occurrence of the word in C1Editor
                            c1Editor1.Selection.ApplyStyle("background-color", "Red");
                            result = result + 1;


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posted @ 2012-07-18 15:40  葡萄城开发工具  阅读(512)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报