Python 修改global 变量



last_send_time = 0

def test():
    last_send_time = 2

print last_send_time

#will print 0

#to change it.

def test():
    global last_send_time
    last_send_time = 2

print last_send_time



From: stackoverflow

Your issue is that functions create their own namespace, which means that done within the function is a different one than done in the second example. Use global done to use the first done instead of creating a new one.

def function():
    global done
    for loop:
        if not comply:
            done = True

An explanation of how to use global can be found here

posted @ 2015-09-15 11:14  _Doraemon  阅读(720)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报