

2012-08-21 21:21  youxin  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Indenting Text


Values   <length> | <percentage> | inheri

Initial value  0

Applies to   block-level elements

Inherited   yes

Percentages   refer to the width of the containing block

Computed value

    for percentage values, as specified; for length values, the absolute length

In general, you can apply text-indent to any block-level element. You can't apply it to inline elements,

nor can you use it on replaced elements such as images. However, if you have an image within the first line of a block-level element, like a paragraph, it will be shifted over with the rest of the text in the line.(If you want to "indent" the first line of an inline element, you can create the effect with left padding or margin.)


text-indent可以为负值,You can also set negative values for text-indent, a technique that leads to a number of interesting effects. The most common use is a "hanging indent," where the first line hangs out to the left of the rest of the element:悬挂缩进。


padding-left: 4em;  属性是其可见。

如<div width="400px"> <p> </p> </div>
p{ text-indent:!0%;} 相当于400px*10%=40;




div {width: 500px; text-indent: 10%;}

p {width: 200px;}


This first line of the DIV is indented by 50 pixels.


This paragraph is 200px wide, and the first line of the paragraph 

is indented 50px.  This is because computed values for 'text-indent' 

are inherited, instead of the declared values.


