


    * 可以配匹0个或0个以上的字符






using namespace std;

bool match(char *pattern, char *content) {
	// if we reatch both end of two string, we are done
	if ('\0' == *pattern && '\0' == *content)
		return true;
	/* make sure that the characters after '*' are present in second string.
      this function assumes that the first string will not contain two
       consecutive '*'*/
	if ('*' == *pattern && '\0' != *(pattern + 1) && '\0' == *content)
		return false;
	// if the first string contains '?', or current characters of both 
    // strings match
	if ('?' == *pattern || *pattern == *content)
		return match(pattern + 1, content + 1);
	/* if there is *, then there are two possibilities
       a) We consider current character of second string
       b) We ignore current character of second string.*/
	if ('*' == *pattern)
		return match(pattern + 1, content) || match(pattern, content + 1);
	return false;

void test(char *pattern, char *content) {
	if (NULL == pattern || NULL == content)
	match(pattern, content) ? puts("yes") : puts("no");

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	test("g*ks", "geeks"); // Yes
    test("ge?ks*", "geeksforgeeks"); // Yes
    test("g*k", "gee");  // No because 'k' is not in second
    test("*pqrs", "pqrst"); // No because 't' is not in first
    test("abc*bcd", "abcdhghgbcd"); // Yes
    test("abc*c?d", "abcd"); // No because second must have 2 instances of 'c'
    test("*c*d", "abcd"); // Yes
    test("*?c*d", "abcd"); // Yes
    return 0;

文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 某程序员对书法十分感兴趣,退休后决定在这方面有所建树。花重金购买了上等的文房四宝。一日突生雅兴,一番磨墨拟纸,并点上了上好的檀香,颇有王羲之风 范,又具颜真卿气势,定神片刻,泼墨挥毫,郑重地写下一行字:hello world.

posted @ 2013-05-09 20:43  xinyuyuanm  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报