js regex 正则 tricks

<script type="text/javascript">
function MatchDemo(){
var r, re; // 声明变量。
var s = "The123 rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain";
= /ain/ig; // 创建正则表达式模式。
r = s.match(re); // 尝试去匹配搜索字符串。
//return(r); // 返回的数组包含了所有 "ain"
// 出现的四个匹配。

var regex=/((T\w*)e)(\d*)/;
var matches= regex.exec(s);
结果:matches ["The123", "The", "Th", "123"]
0 "The123"
1 "The"
2 "Th"
3 "123"
index 0
input "The123 rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain"
posted @ 2011-05-03 12:21  庚武  Views(354)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报