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在前两篇老司机学Xamarin系列中,简单介绍了Xamarin开发环境的搭建以及Prism和MvvmCross这两个开发框架。不同的框架,往往不仅仅使用不同的架构风格,同时社区活跃度不同,各种功能模块和插件数量也会有巨大差别。架构风格的好坏,属于仁者见仁,但功能模块和插件的好坏多寡,却实实在在体现了社区的力量,是可以实打实拿出来练一练的。今天我们就来一起玩一玩MvvmCross提供的各种功能插件,看看哪些轮子可以拿来直接就用的。 Read More
posted @ 2016-10-11 00:14 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(4873) Comments(7) Diggs(3) Edit
在上一篇Xamarin开发环境及开发框架初探中,曾简单提到MvvmCross这个Xamarin下的开发框架。最近又评估了一些别的,发现老牌Mvvm框架Prism现在也支持Xamarin Forms了,可喜可贺!今天我们就来近距离尝试、比较一下,分别基于这两个框架写一个简单Android/iOS跨平台应用的感受。 Read More
posted @ 2016-10-06 21:42 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(8121) Comments(10) Diggs(26) Edit
随着被微软收购,最近一年间,Xamarin的火爆程度与日俱增。免费、更好的VS2015集成、更好的模拟器,甚至,在windows上运行和调试iOS平台程序,让我这样接触了十几年.NET平台的老司机,即使工作中没有直接应用,也忍不住想要一探究竟。本文介绍了Xamarin本地完美开发环境的搭建和并简单介绍了Xamarin下的最好的(个人观点)跨平台开发框架MvvmCross。 Read More
posted @ 2016-10-04 21:03 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(5975) Comments(17) Diggs(15) Edit
本文演示了3个不同平台的后端应用使用CoreProfiler/NanoProfiler实现跨应用的性能调试和监控,演示的技术包括: 如何在.NET Core程序中使用CoreProfiler进行Wcf服务、Http REST服务和EntityFramework数据库调用的性能监控;如何在传统.NET 4.5 Web项目中使用NanoProfiler进行Wcf服务和Http REST服务调用的性能监控;如何配置CoreProfiler/NanoProfiler实现自动的跨平台&应用的整合性能调试和监控; Read More
posted @ 2016-09-29 09:04 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(1836) Comments(2) Diggs(4) Edit
Today I troubleshooted an Elasticsearch cluster down issue. Several lessons were learned: 1. When many elasticsearch cluster nodes are restarted, to a Read More
posted @ 2016-06-17 23:08 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(461) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
In previous post, I mentioned the discussion on StackOverflow regarding designing exchanges. Usually, when people ask about best practice of designing Read More
posted @ 2016-02-23 22:30 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(263) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Exchanges are the only places where messages could be published to; while queues are the only places where messages could be consumed from. And the co Read More
posted @ 2016-02-22 21:48 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(253) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
what’s the underlying philosophy behind “exchange types”? In a word, it is all about implementing integration patterns in a manner of simple, stupid. Read More
posted @ 2016-02-19 09:40 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(192) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
最近,基于Jekyll新搭建了自己英文博客。整个过程搜索了不少资料,也尝试和过滤了不少工具和插件,最后的效果(http://teddyma.cn)还是不错的。这里总结一下主要的七个步骤,感兴趣的朋友可以参考一下。 Read More
posted @ 2016-01-22 16:21 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(522) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
"RabbitMQ" does not allow re declaring a queue with different values of parameters such as durability, auto delete, etc. Some parameters could be con... Read More
posted @ 2016-01-19 13:06 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(274) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
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