
Delphi XE5教程12:注释和编译器指示字

摘要: 内容源自Delphi XE5 UPDATE 2官方帮助《Delphi Reference》,本人水平有限,欢迎各位高人修正相关错误!也欢迎各位加入到Delphi学习资料汉化中来,有兴趣者可QQ:34484690@qq.com3 Comments and Compiler Directives3注释和编译器指示字Comments are ignored by the compiler, except when they function as separators (delimiting adjacent tokens) or compiler directives.注释将被编译器忽略,除非它们 阅读全文

posted @ 2014-02-26 21:54 唐科 阅读(970) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑

Delphi XE5教程11:Tokens

摘要: 内容源自Delphi XE5 UPDATE 2官方帮助《Delphi Reference》,本人水平有限,欢迎各位高人修正相关错误!也欢迎各位加入到Delphi学习资料汉化中来,有兴趣者可QQ:34484690@qq.com2 Tokens 2 TokensOn the simplest level, a program is a sequence of tokens delimited by separators. A token is the smallest meaningful unit of text in a program. A separator is either a bla 阅读全文

posted @ 2014-02-26 21:26 唐科 阅读(1532) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
