
Delphi XE5教程10:Delphi字符集

摘要: 内容源自Delphi XE5 UPDATE 2官方帮助《Delphi Reference》,本人水平有限,欢迎各位高人修正相关错误!也欢迎各位加入到Delphi学习资料汉化中来,有兴趣者可QQ:34484690@qq.com1 The Delphi Character Set1 Delphi字符集The Delphi language uses the Unicode character encoding for its character set, including alphabetic and alphanumeric Unicode characters and the undersc 阅读全文

posted @ 2014-02-19 21:13 唐科 阅读(1419) 评论(1) 推荐(1) 编辑

Delphi XE5教程9:基本语法元素

摘要: 内容源自Delphi XE5 UPDATE 2官方帮助《Delphi Reference》,本人水平有限,欢迎各位高人修正相关错误!也欢迎各位加入到Delphi学习资料汉化中来,有兴趣者可QQ:34484690@qq.comFundamental Syntactic Elements第三章 基本语法元素Fundamental syntactic elements, called tokens, combine to form expressions, declarations, and statements. A statement describes an algorithmic actio 阅读全文

posted @ 2014-02-19 07:07 唐科 阅读(900) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑
