Repeatedly Downloads 1.0

 1 @echo off
 2 color 0a
 3 chcp 850
 4 title Repeatedly Downloads 1.0
 5 echo.
 8 echo. Enter the work directory.
 9 set WORK_DIR=
10 set /p WORK_DIR=Directory: 
11 if "%WORK_DIR%" equ "" (
12     goto :LOOP_WD
13 )
14 pushd %WORK_DIR% || goto :LOOP_WD
15 title Work directory[%cd%]
17 :LOOP
18 echo. Enter new address to download.
19 set URL=
20 set /p URL=Address: 
21 if "%URL%" neq "" (
22     wget --no-check-certificate -N --tries=1 --timeout=5 -S %URL%
23     title Repeatedly Downloads 1.0
24     echo.
25 )
26 goto :LOOP



posted @ 2019-05-11 22:57  RMS365  阅读(181)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报