

Natural Language Processing: Maximum Entropy and Log-linear Models 
作者:Regina Barzilay(MIT,EECS Department, October 1, 2004)
译者:我爱自然语言处理 ,2009年5月9日)

三、 最大熵模型详述
c) 相对熵(Kullback-Liebler距离)(Relative Entropy (Kullback-Liebler Distance))
 i. 定义(Definition):两个概率分布p和q的相对熵D由下式给出(The relative entropy D between two probability distributions p and q is given by)
 ii. 引理1(Lemma 1):对于任意两个概率分布p和q,D(p, q)≥0 且 D(p, q)=0 当且仅当p=q(For any two probability distributions p and q, D(p, q)≥ 0, and D(p, q)=0 if and only if p =q)
 iii. 引理2(毕达哥拉斯性质)(Lemma 2 (Pythagorean Property)):若p∈P,q∈Q,p*∈P∩Q,则D(p, q) = D(p, p*) + D(p*, q) (If p ∈P and q ∈ Q, and p*∈P∩Q, then D(p, q) = D(p, p*) + D(p*, q))
 注:证明请参看MIT NLP 的lec5.pdf英文讲稿;
d) 最大熵解(The Maximum Entropy Solution)
 i. 定理1(Theorem 1):若p*∈P∩Q,则p* = argmax_{p in P}H(p) ,且p*唯一(If p∗∈P ∩Q then p* = argmax_{p in P}H(p). Furthermore, p* is unique)
注:证明请参看min nlp原讲稿,主要运用引理1和引理2得出。
e) 最大似然解(The Maximum Likelihood Solution)
 i. 定理2(Theorem 2):若p*∈P∩Q,则p* = argmax_{q in Q}L(q) ,且p*唯一(If p∗∈P ∩Q then p* = argmax_{q in Q}L(q). Furthermore, p* is unique)
注:证明请参看min nlp原讲稿,主要运用引理1和引理2得出。
f) 对偶定理(Duality Theorem)
 i. 存在一个唯一分布p*(There is a unique distribution p*)
  1. p*∈ P ∩ Q
  2. p* = argmax_{p in P}H(p) (最大熵解(Max-ent solution))
  3. p* = argmax_{q in Q}L(q) (最大似然解(Max-likelihood solution))
 ii. 结论(Implications):
  1. 最大熵解可以写成对数线性形式(The maximum entropy solution can be written in log-linear form)
  2. 求出最大似然解同样给出了最大熵解(Finding the maximum-likelihood solution also gives the maximum entropy solution)




posted @ 2013-01-07 19:04  renly2013  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报