mill2002 @博客园

contacting with pc fans and sharing collections

DNN的空间占用问题---learning from Boy119's blog

1.Create a folder named:DNN under disc E,look like E:\DNN, and create sub-folders under DNN folder,they are Dotnetnuke folder--which   is source code folder and Deploy folder which has files for uploading to server.

2. Copy Exclude.txt file to DNN folder,the Exclude file's content as below:

3. in Command prompt,type the following command:
    E:\DNN>XCOPY "E:\DNN\DotNetNuke" E:\DNN\Deploy /D /E /R /K /H /I /Y /W /EXCLUDE:Exclude.txt

4.If you have better way,pls post here,thx

Reference to:
1.Boy119's blog forum's link

posted on 2005-03-12 19:14  mill2002  阅读(2392)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
