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SQL> desc x$targetrba
 ADDR                               N/A

 INDX                               N/A

 INST_ID                            N/A

 TOTALLOGSZ                         select sum(bytes)/redo_standard_size from v$log

 LGLOGSZ                            select bytes/512 from v$Log where status='CURRENT'

 CUR_EST_RCV_READS                  Number of dirty buffers in the buffer cache.
                                    In the Standard Edition, this column is always null.       

 ACTUAL_REDO_BLKS                   Current actual number of redo blocks required for recovery           

 TARGET_RBA_SEQ                     target redo block address log sequence    

 TARGET_RBA_BNO                     target redo block address block number

 TARGET_RBA_BOF                     target redo block address offset

 MIN_LAG                            Current target number of redo blocks that must be processed for recovery.
                                    This value is the minimum value of the following 3 columns,
                                    and identifies which of the 3 user-defined limits determines checkpointing.               

 LOGFILESZ                          Maximum number of redo blocks required to guarantee that a
                                    log switch does not occur before the checkpoint completes.  

 CT_LAG                             Number of redo blocks that need to be processed during
                                    recovery to satisfy the LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT parameter.
                                    The value displayed is not meaningful unless that parameter has been set.

 CI_LAG                             Number of redo blocks that need to be processed during recovery to
                                    satisfy the LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL parameter.
                                    The value displayed is not meaningful unless that parameter has been set.

posted on 2013-03-19 00:47  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
