Setting VC++ directories in VS 2010


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In VS 2010, Tools/Options does not have a VC++ directories tab (where you normally set the include/lib search folders). Instead if you take project settings for a C++ project, you’ll see VC++ Directories listed under Configuration Properties. Of course these are per project and NOT per user (as in VS 2008). If you want to change it for the current user globally, bring up the Property Manager and then you’ll see various property sheets under Debug and Release (there may be more configurations on your machine). Just edit the property sheet named Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user and now you’ll have set it globally for your user for that specific configuration.


VC++ Directories
Setting VC++ directories in VS 2010
解决因安装 VS2010 令 C 盘空间不足的问题


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0


posted on 2011-04-22 10:19  Jans  阅读(2381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报