python Tkinter的学习笔记


# !/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

from Tkinter import *
import ttk
import tkMessageBox

filename = 'test.txt'

def defocus(event): 
def DisplayHello(event):
#    win = Toplevel()
#    Label(win,text='Hello, Tkinter').pack(pady=15)
#    tkMessageBox.showinfo('Response','Thanks for clicking the button.')
    tkMessageBox.askquestion('MSG', '要保存吗?',savefile)

root =Tk(className="main")

def savefile(event):
    textfile = open(filename, 'a')
    #for how to solve chinese coding, see #
    first = txtfirst.get().encode('utf-8')
    last = txtlast.get().encode('utf-8')
    address = txtadd.get().encode('utf-8')
    city = txtcity.get().encode('utf-8')
    state = txtst.get().encode('utf-8')
    zipcode = txtzip.get().encode('utf-8')
    phone = txtph.get().encode('utf-8')
    email = txtemail.get().encode('utf-8')
    step = comboBox1.get().encode('utf-8')
    print >> textfile, last, '\n', first, '\n', address, '\n', city, '\n', state, '\n', zipcode, '\n', phone, '\n',  step, '\n',email
#    root.destroy()

root.maxsize(500, 300)
root.minsize(500, 300)

d = Frame(root)
fname = Label(d, width = 10,text = u'ip')
fname.pack(side = 'left',fill ='x', pady = 1)
txtfirst = Entry(d, width =40)
txtfirst.pack(side = 'left')
d.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x',pady = 1) =0, y =0, anchor = NW)

e = Frame(root)
lname = Label(e, width = 10,text = u'')
lname.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtlast = Entry(e, width =40)
txtlast.pack(side = 'left')
e.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x',pady = 1)

f = Frame(root)
address = Label(f, width = 10,text = u'街道')
address.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtadd = Entry(f, width =40)
txtadd.pack(side = 'left')
f.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x')

g = Frame(root)
city = Label(g, width = 10,text = u'')
city.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtcity = Entry(g, width =16)
txtcity.pack(side = 'left')

street = Label(g, width = 10,text = u'')
street.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtst = Entry(g, width =4)
txtst.pack(side = 'left')

zipcde = Label(g, width = 10,text = u'邮政编码')
zipcde.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtzip = Entry(g, width =8)
txtzip.pack(side = 'left')
g.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x')

h = Frame(root)

phone = Label(h, width = 10,text = u'电话')
phone.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtph  = Entry(h, width =16)
txtph.pack(side = 'left')

email = Label(h, width = 10,text = 'E-mail')
email.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
txtemail  = Entry(h, width =16)
txtemail.pack(side = 'left')
h.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x')

x = Frame(root)
phone = Label(x, width = 10,text = u'Step1')
phone.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
comboBox1 = ttk.Combobox(x, state="readonly", values=("a", "b", "c",""),width = 26) 
comboBox1.pack(side = 'left') 
comboBox1.bind("<FocusIn>", defocus)
x.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x',pady = 1)

y = Frame(root)
phone = Label(y, width = 10,text = u'Step2')
phone.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1)
comboBox = ttk.Combobox(y, state="readonly", values=("a", "b", "c",""),width = 26) 
comboBox.pack(side = 'left') 
comboBox.bind("<FocusIn>", defocus)
y.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x',pady = 1)

save = Button(j, text = u"保存", width = 10)
save.pack(pady=1, padx =30)
save.bind("<Button-1>", savefile)

#save.bind("<Button-1>", DisplayHello)

i = Frame(root)
close = Button(i, text = u"取消",command=root.destroy)
close.pack(side = 'left',pady = 1, padx = 50)
i.pack(side = 'top',fill ='x')





posted on 2012-09-23 21:02  hollyspirit  阅读(669)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
