




Stencil shadows can only be calculated when an 'edge list' has been built for all the geometry in a mesh. The official exporters and tools automatically build this for you (or have an option to do so), but if you create your own meshes, you must remember to build edge lists for them before using them with stencil shadows - you can do that by using OgreMeshUpgrade or OgreXmlConverter, or by calling Mesh::buildEdgeList before you export or use the mesh. If a mesh doesn't have edge lists, OGRE assumes that it is not supposed to cast stencil shadows.


想要使用Stencil的shadow,必须要有一个'edge list' 的信息,我们可以从OgreMax中勾选让它导出这个信息。

可以看到最下面的Generate Edge Lists。勾选它就可以导出edge list信息了。

