[转载]When IIS Wont Start – Error 13

前段时间,因为Server2008服务器的C盘被写满,导致IIS服务直接挂掉。然后给C盘清理出空间后,发现IIS服务无法启动。报错“Error 13: The data is invalid“,然后等待插件之类的错误。网上查了一圈,发现用以下方法管用:


It seems that at some point the applicationHost.config got trashed.  Luckily, when you make changes to web applications in IIS it creates a backup of the applicationHost.config file in c:\inetpub\history.  All you need to do is copy a good copy from the history and put it intoc:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config.

And Roberts your mothers brother, WAS starts, IIS starts and the repair of SharePoint can continue!

ps. I’m running IIS7 on Windows 2008 Server. 


原文链接: http://www.gringod.com/2008/08/15/when-iis-wont-start-error-13/ 

posted @ 2012-03-26 17:05  cubean  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报