… 佛於是把我化做一棵树 长在你必经的路旁 阳光下 慎重地开满了花 …… keep smiling, keep swinging
Finally, it comes to the weekend.
And I reward myself with several movies.
Sahara is a pretty good one, shall be recommened seriously. Some kind of exploration with teamwork and some environment sense,of course involving the greatest love. Besides, the heroine is quite beautiful, capable and passionate. In a word, she is just perfect.
The man in an iron  mask has quite attractive stories, which is changed from the novel by Dumas. It is rather unrealistic,but it also wins some tears from me at the end.
The zorro is not as wonderful as we had expected. There are not too many new things and a bit complicated for me. Some of the clouds are still not cleared away till now.
The a fool in love is a more ordinary one.It is just a comedy, not of my favourite kind. I rather prefer movies with some thoughts with apropos depth for me.

Ok, so much for the weekend entertainment.
Get down to work from now on.

posted on 2005-11-19 23:36  silvia  阅读(331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报