GetParent( ) 和AfxGetMainWnd( )

The GetParent function retrieves a handle to the specified window's parent or owner.

To retrieve a handle to a specified ancestor, use theGetAncestorfunction.




HWND GetParent(      

    HWND hWnd );


hWnd[in] Handle to the window whose parent window handle is to be retrieved.  

举个例子来说:你在对话框中添加了一个Edit的控件,通过GetDlgItem( int ID)你能获得该控件的句柄,如果你想获得该对话框的句柄,就能以GetParent( GetDlgItem(ID))来实现,也就是说,获得的是子窗口所在的父窗口的句柄。

posted @ 2012-05-27 15:07  CBDoctor  阅读(1339)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报