Hibernate 笔记8 关系映射1(多对一,一对多)


1 多对一关系(many to one)






<hibernate-mapping >
<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Dept" table="dept"> //Dept类的映射
<id name="did" column="did">
<generator class="native"></generator>

<property name="dname" column="dname"></property>
<property name="daddress" column="daddress"></property>

<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Emp" table="emp"> // Emp类的映射
<id name="eid" column="eid">
<generator class="native"></generator>

<property name="ename" column="ename"></property>
<property name="eage" column="eage"></property>
<property name="esal" column="esal"></property>
<many-to-one name="dept"> //对dept的配置,多对一,生成外键did,对应Emp的dept.
<column name="did"></column>



public void TestMany2one() throws Exception{
Configuration config=new Configuration().configure();
SchemaExport export= new SchemaExport(config);
export.create(true, true);



alter table emp drop foreign key FK188C8F7B42ADD
drop table if exists dept
drop table if exists emp
create table dept (did integer not null auto_increment, dname varchar(255), daddress varchar(255), primary key (did))
create table emp (eid integer not null auto_increment, ename varchar(255), eage integer, esal float, did integer, primary key (eid))
alter table emp add index FK188C8F7B42ADD (did), add constraint FK188C8F7B42ADD foreign key (did) references dept (did)


2 一对多关系映射(one to many)




<hibernate-mapping >
<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Dept" table="dept">
<id name="did" column="did"> //Dept类映射
<generator class="native"></generator>
<property name="dname" column="dname"></property>
<property name="daddress" column="daddress"></property>
<set name="emps"> // 类中集合Set用<set>映射,name中填写Set类对象,emps与did成对应关系
<key column="did"/> // <key>表示 产生外键 did
<one-to-many class="com.pk.Test.po.Emp"/> //在哪个类的映射文件,哪个类就是one, class中写入many的类路径

<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Emp" table="emp"> //Emp类映射
<id name="eid" column="eid">
<generator class="native"></generator>
<property name="ename" column="ename"></property>
<property name="eage" column="eage"></property>
<property name="esal" column="esal"></property>



public void Test2() throws Exception{
Configuration config=new Configuration().configure();
SchemaExport export= new SchemaExport(config);
export.create(true, true);


alter table emp drop foreign key FK188C8F7B42ADD
drop table if exists dept
drop table if exists emp
create table dept (did integer not null auto_increment, dname varchar(255), daddress varchar(255), primary key (did))
create table emp (eid integer not null auto_increment, ename varchar(255), eage integer, esal float, did integer, primary key (eid))
alter table emp add index FK188C8F7B42ADD (did), add constraint FK188C8F7B42ADD foreign key (did) references dept (did)


 3 一对多,多对一双向映射



    表关系与类关系如下所示,类Dept中的emps和Emp的dept 对应Emp的did。


<hibernate-mapping >
<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Dept" table="dept"> //Dept映射
<id name="did" column="did">
<generator class="native"></generator>

<property name="dname" column="dname"></property>
<property name="daddress" column="daddress"></property>
<set name="emps">
<key column="did"/> //一对多关系映射
<one-to-many class="com.pk.Test.po.Emp"/>

<class name="com.pk.Test.po.Emp" table="emp"> //Emp映射
<id name="eid" column="eid">
<generator class="native"></generator>

<property name="ename" column="ename"></property>
<property name="eage" column="eage"></property>
<property name="esal" column="esal"></property>
<many-to-one name="dept">
<column name="did"></column> //多对一关系映射



public void Test2() throws Exception{
Configuration config=new Configuration().configure();
SchemaExport export= new SchemaExport(config);
export.create(true, true);



alter table emp drop foreign key FK188C8F7B42ADD
drop table if exists dept
drop table if exists emp
create table dept (did integer not null auto_increment, dname varchar(255), daddress varchar(255), primary key (did))
create table emp (eid integer not null auto_increment, ename varchar(255), eage integer, esal float, did integer, primary key (eid))
alter table emp add index FK188C8F7B42ADD (did), add constraint FK188C8F7B42ADD foreign key (did) references dept (did)

posted @ 2011-11-05 00:35  蓝冰竹斋  阅读(1007)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报